
Hah, that’s true. You couldn’t help but feel a little bad for Spicer, even if he did make his own bed working for Trump, because he was clearly overwhelmed by the crazy. This guy is just a giant POS who loves the crazy. Which should be either hilarious, terrifying, or both.

I would like a smaller home, because cleaning 1200 sq ft is more hassle than it’s worth for 2 people. But I would not like a 200 sq ft home either, especially for 2 people. Maybe a cute 700 sq ft townhouse.

It looks pretty, but it’s not a cute mini version of the same thing I had in 1992, which I think is a big part of the appeal of this whole nostalgia cash-in.

Yeah but the SNES games are better ;). Seriously tho, Earthbound costs like $100 for just the cartridge on eBay.

I was roughly 50 hours into the game, never really invested in the story (keeping in mind that its usually a 100+ hour completion time) reached a road block where I clearly hadn’t grinded enough to get past, and realized that despite my time invested that I really didn’t care enough to proceed.

I dunno, Earthbound is pretty fantastic, I’d call it a toss-up.

Yes PLZ. I mean, I still have my SNES and 3 or 4 of these games, but STILL. I will totally buy this - as long I can get it for less than what I originally bought it for 26 years ago! (Maybe, maybe not?)

Having been involved in planning my father’s funeral, I know that funerals are fucking expensive, so don’t even. $1k wouldn’t have gotten us his cremated ashes in a used milk jug. They wanted thousands just to do the cremation, and of course they don’t tell you that until after they have the body, and then what are

Well, every other developed nation has solved this issue, which is why they have far lower health care costs than we do. But that would require a level of market intervention that would give the GOP a heart attack.

The expanded Medicaid eligibility means that a single adult working full-time for minimum wage will still be eligible for the program, as will a family of 4 with two working adults. Which is great for folks in the states that took the expansion, not so much for the states that didn’t.

My point was that, if they die, they’ll leave their family in debt anyway (funeral costs etc), and with one fewer wage-earner. If you have a choice between “definitely die, and put my family in bankruptcy” or “possibly not die, and put my family in bankruptcy”, the latter one sounds less shitty. Our system is deeply,

My dad was in same situation. Near the end, he was going in for a few hours maybe once a week, but we still had insurance, which was lucky. That shouldn’t have to be a matter of luck. Everybody should have that no matter what, not just if they have nice bosses who want to help out a loyal longtime employee out of the

Also, if they die, they don’t think that will affect their family?

Yeah, if you have over 50 full time employees (or however many more part timers to get to 50 FTE), I think you’re more in “medium business” territory, and definitely should have (or be able to get) the HR experience, cashflow, etc to handle offering a benefits package.

Also, if he goes back to school and stops working full time, where will he get insurance?

Didn’t they pass a bill this year allowing your employer to require you to get genetic testing to get insurance through them?

Supply and demand plays a role. Far more men then women are actively seeking out nonmonogamous relationships.

Here’s the rub. If the only people buying coverage for asthma are folks with asthma (or pregnancy etc), there’s no distribution of risk. So your costs will be higher.

Were you buying health insurance before the ACA went into effect? If so, you know that what you’re saying is false.