
And in most parts of the US, $30,000/year is enough to rent an apartment and own a car. In DC, it’s really not, unless maybe you can get an income-restricted apartment.

DC is expensive. High cost-of-living, high rents, and high wages. $30,000 is not much there, especially if you have a college degree. Like most government jobs, you can almost certainly make a lot more in the private sector.

Would it help to have multiple people there to check the names off? That’s what they do where I live - they have the list broken down by last name, so that they can have a table with few different people checking names. But, I usually end up voting in the mid-morning anyway, when it’s not very busy, so I’m not sure

They were, apparently, expecting 50,000 attendees.

Then we should all get trained as poll workers, and turn out in large numbers to help at the polling places.

Do you live in DC?

The US has the best healthcare in the world, for the rich. It has great houses, food, education, etc - for the rich. There are many people in the US who are not rich. Families where 12 people share one apartment, schools with no heat and bullet holes in the windows, kids who go to bed hungry at night, adults who

In most developed countries, drugs don’t cost that much, because the government negotiates a mutually beneficial deal, instead of just letting the companies pillage the pocketbooks of their citizens.

And when you get sick, other healthy people will hate to pay for you. But they will, because that’s how insurance works.

Well, if the new future is to have zero illegal immigrants in the US, they better get fucking used to it, because American workers sure as shit won’t pick lettuce 12 hours a day for $5/hour.

And for American consumers to continue to buy things from Mexico at the same level when they’re all 20% more expensive, too.

Yup. This is basically a 20% federal sales tax on all goods imported from Mexico. Fan-fucking-tastic.

Worse than that. This is basically a 20% federal sales tax on all goods imported from Mexico. Americans will be paying 100% of the cost of this wall, surprise surprise.

Maybe you should do the whole prepper thing and buy a generator and a bunch of canned goods and stock it up. I think that’s what I’d do, if money weren’t an issue.

Richard Spencer approves that sentiment.

Why this whole thing is especially stupid and frustrating - #4 will lead to the opposite of #3. NAFTA created a lot of jobs in Mexico, which is a part of why we now have more undocumented Mexican immigrants leaving the US than entering. Undo NAFTA, and we’ll most likely see a big rise in illegal immigration.

And the crazy thing is that this is completely counter to anything useful towards their stated goals.

Yup. He’ll institute a 5% tariff or something, and call that “Mexico repaying us” and claim it for a win.

It means he’s going to try to claim that something that’s not actually payment for the wall is payment for the wall.

I haven’t played that, so I was imagining more like Chrono Cross but with the Avengers. ;)