
Right, the entire discretionary budget for 2016 was $1.1 trillion. Nevermind PBS, to reach that figure he’ll have to eliminate almost every federal department and agency, including firing most of the US armed forces.

So, doing basic arithmetic, he wants to cut federal discretionary spending by $1.05 trillion per year, out of a total budget of $1.1 trillion per year. That’s a 95% reduction in federal discretionary spending.

My brother’s JROTC program included riflery, so they did. But that’s a structured paramilitary kind of program, not random teens having guns in their locker.

“for 100 years, Girl Scouts Nation’s Capital has participated in the presidential inauguration”

I guess the alternative is that they are investigating, have something really big, and don’t want to tip their hand.....

I read that the hotels ended up selling the rooms to protesters instead.

If you’re not a Nielsen household, watching or not watching won’t effect the ratings.

I do think Trump went “’urban’ - that means ‘black people’, right? I know a black guy!”.

Yet. I’m sure that’ll change in 10 days.

I have a feeling it’s not “kicking out” so much as “replacing with nothing but Fox News, Brietbart, Infowars and RT”.

I have a feeling it’s not “kicking out” so much as “replacing with nothing but Fox News, Brietbart, Infowars and RT”.

I think it’s that the prospect is so dire, the accusation so serious, and the situation so unprecedented, that it’s hard to face and hard to know how to proceed.

He’s an idiot. Corruption scandals will hurt him. Many people will need to have the corruption spelled out for them, but once they see it, it’ll be a problem for him.

He says he’s going to solve the conflict-of-interest problem by hiring an ethics advisor for his company that will tell them not to do things that would be a conflict of interest. I’m not kidding, that’s what he’s saying. It’s obviously complete and utter nonsense, anyone with any common sense can see that, but

There’s an awful (I mean, informative, but about an awful topic) documentary I think on Netflix about the case. It was pretty high-profile. He built a secret lair in his basement, IIRC, I think a concealed sub-basement or something.

Maybe the dad was in prison, or deployed. Or she’d vanished and taken the kid with her, and it took him time to track her down. There are a number of reasons why he might not have been in the kid’s life for a while.

That’s what I was thinking, yeah. He’s the kid from a previous relationship, and his dad came looking for him after he stopped hearing from him.

What’s interesting is that he was willing to discuss Russian hacking back in September, when Russia was attempting to hack into our voter registries. Which, may I remind you, was a thing that they did, in at least 20 states. If they were eventually successful, this would have allowed them alter which citizens are

Lyndon LaRouche...... man, that’s a name I haven’t heard in a while.

To be fair, though, polls only give a probability. If Clinton has a 75% chance of winning, that means Trump has a 25% chance of winning. Sometimes that 25% chance is going to win.