
Maybe the dad was in prison, or deployed. Or she’d vanished and taken the kid with her, and it took him time to track her down. There are a number of reasons why he might not have been in the kid’s life for a while.

That’s what I was thinking, yeah. He’s the kid from a previous relationship, and his dad came looking for him after he stopped hearing from him.

What’s interesting is that he was willing to discuss Russian hacking back in September, when Russia was attempting to hack into our voter registries. Which, may I remind you, was a thing that they did, in at least 20 states. If they were eventually successful, this would have allowed them alter which citizens are

Lyndon LaRouche...... man, that’s a name I haven’t heard in a while.

To be fair, though, polls only give a probability. If Clinton has a 75% chance of winning, that means Trump has a 25% chance of winning. Sometimes that 25% chance is going to win.

Maybe them have some “kompromat” on Comey, too.........

Hmmm, that’s a good point. And since the Russians also engaged in a hacking campaign against our voter registries...... who’s to say they didn’t get in and make some changes in who was eligible to vote in those key districts?

The tampering wasn’t with the ballots that were cast, it was with who was allowed to cast a ballot. Before the election, Russia had a targeted hacking campaign aimed at our voter registration databases.

I think you’re right about the results. The tampering, if it happened, was about who could vote in the first place. Comey himself said back in September that Russian hackers had attempted to hack the voter registries in 20 states, and were successful in 4 of them.

So literally the first thing he’ll do as President is fire this guy. What. That’s very very strange.

Well.... our immigration policy with Cuba for the last like 50 years has basically been about sticking it to the commies and saying “your country is so shitty that we’ll automatically accept any of your citizens as asylum-seekers just by virtue of being from there”. If we’re going to have better international

The purpose of all of these amendments the Democrats were putting forth was purely so that, in 2/4/6 years, Democratic candidates will be able to say “my opponent Senator That Guy voted against protecting Medicare/people with health problems/small businesses/whatever issue you care about!”.

I double-checked the text of the amendment while reading the article, and it said something to the effect of “Canada and other countries”. If the concern is actually safety, it’s probably the “other countries” (say, India or China) that they’re worried about.

Yup, these fascists are all cozying up to work together. No surprise there.

Conservatives commonly have a bit of an authoritarian bent, and tend to be drawn to Real Men who are Tough Guys and reinforce traditional values. That seems to have gotten much worse lately, though I’m not sure if the rise of the fascist alt right is the cause or the symptom.

OMG yes, I was wondering the same thing. Yesterday it was like 20° and drizzly. I got home to a sidewalk that was a sheet of ice. There’s nothing soft or sensual about the DC area in the winter. At best it’ll be like 45° and windy, and half the buildings are brutalist concrete edifices.

Plus, he’s probably going to be skewered every day in the DC area media. I don’t think “Trump did corrupt thing” is the daily headline he was looking for.

And yet someone they’ll be cool and still buy it if Sam Wilson is Captain America and Steve Rogers is working for Hydra. It is a little arbitrary.

Too many people don’t understand this, yeah. Racism, like sexism, are systemic cultural issues that pervade our whole society. They’re not accusations of bad character.

I’m back and forth about this.