
LOL. If you think Certifiable Crazy Person Alex Jones is telling you the truth about anything, you’re past the point of evidence and truth meaning anything.

Yeah, probably. Tossing aside the nuclear deal will help Russia and won’t prevent Iran from developing their nuclear program (where do people think they were getting their tech etc from?), but keeping the nuclear deal may, like you, say, help pull Iran out of the Russian sphere.

I think that’s a really hard thing to do when it’s your child, no matter how messed up and awful they are

That’s a great point, and one I hadn’t ever thought of.

Hopefully they can find a way to make the requirement easy to comply with (for example, having it be a free online class).

I think it would be reasonable to do some kind follow-up study after implementing the program for a year or two to see if there were any results. I’m not sure how you’d measure “results” in this case - I guess a survey of hairdressers who took the course, asking them if they’d used their training and whether they’d

I think that making more people aware of the issue, and what kind of resources exist, can only help things. It sounds like the hairdressers won’t be required to do anything other than taking the class, so I don’t think they’re really going to have a responsibility in that sense, just more tools to deal with the

Even a little encouragement, a little sense of feeling that someone cares, might possibly be a step towards them getting out of that situation. I suppose it’s hard to know how effective it’ll really be, but it’s clearly well-intentioned. At very least, I suppose, it could help people who don’t know much about

Let’s see, we have one hand:

It’s just another alt-right sore winner. They’re so used to whining and losing all the time that they can’t even be gracious about actually winning at something for once in their lives and have to be crybabies and complain about that too. Fucking alt-right.

Continuing sanctions against them seems like just about the surest way to keep them in the Russian sphere, since the US/European sanctions are a major reason why they’re so tight with Russia in the first place.

Take a guess at which country has close strategic ties with Iran, was a major trading partner during sanctions, and might benefit if the nuclear deal was overturned. I’m sure you’ll just be shocked.....

It’s not “no harm no foul”, but you’re right, we do need a clear-headed, considered, intelligent response to it. Flying off the handle on Twitter and saying and doing crazy hotheaded stuff out of ego will only make things worse.

It is scary how much of the traditional conservative idealogy Republicans are willing to toss aside for the sake of white nationalism. It’s very eye-opening.

You know, I told you that you were being trolled, and then just today a Facebook page I follow for local left-wing anti-establishment types started posting a bunch of memes and stuff along the lines of what you’re talking about. I guess it just wasn’t something I’d come across yet.

You can’t 100% prevent pests from coming in, especially when people are opening the door all the time. Most places use traps and poison/pesticides to kill mice and insects.

The people that want to come here (to live, rather than to visit) are mostly from much poorer and/or war-torn countries. We have very little immigration to the US from other developed nations, who are the ones laughing at us.

Then what was? Poor treatment of student athletes at division I schools has nothing to do with what kind of entity the school is.

The difference between a for-profit business and a non-profit organization isn’t how much revenue they have coming in, it’s what they do with it. In a for-profit place like DeVry, any profit made gets paid out to corporate shareholders, while in a public or non-profit private school, the revenue is all used to pay

It’s possible it’s not only doing scientific research. Or who knows.