
If Trump does everything his supporters want, I’m pretty sure there will also be violence on a mass scale, so I’m almost resigned to that outcome. Buying a gun next year, I think.

While the outcome of the election probably won’t change.... the possibility that a foreign nation may have compromised our election is something we need to take VERY seriously. And donating $5 or $10 towards that effort is really not that much.

Very least they should sue him into poverty.

Scared and shaken up, but yeah, they’re ok.

I heard Sessions say on the radio recently that the reason there’s so much vocal racism now is because minorities complain too much. So, yeah, probably.

It’s the way Jez is reporting it. This guy had a history of domestic abuse, was banned from owning a gun, and had the cops called on him recently by another boy of color. The cops have said the victim was unarmed and that there’s no evidence there was any physical fight.

A childhood friend was just this week the victim of a (non-lethal) hate crime in CA. Unfortunately, bigots are everywhere and are seriously emboldened by the election results.

Also, that it was a gun that he owned illegally. He was on parole for beating up his pregnant daughter.

Pulliam is a convicted domestic abuser with a history of harassing kids of color and getting the cops called on him. I don’t think Means was the aggressor.

There’s no evidence so far that the victim was armed. Allegedly, the guy went by the kid’s house and stood across the street yelling at/threatening the kid and his friends. Another boy had called the cops on the man recently for the same kind of behavior, and been told to just avoid him. Would it have been smarter for

I was just looking at the February solicitations, and they had an issue of Moon Girl listed (plus, I think it said she’s going to be making an appearance in the new Wasp book?), so I don’t think they’re cancelling the series any time soon.

It’s because Marvel Studios doesn’t have the rights to use the X-Men, or really I think anybody for whom being a mutant is an important part of their character. Making it so that a bunch of Inhumans interbred with the human race thousands of years ago and their descendents can be given superpowers by being exposed to

He should call Patsy Walker’s employment agency (for super-powered people who want jobs that don’t involve putting on spandex costumes), lol.

Being “progressive” on one thread and on the far-right on another is, in fact, consistent with trolling. But I suspect that you’re a sock puppet, since you have the same writing style and are saying the same things.

Well, I suppose we can’t know if they *genuinely* support Trump, or are just claiming to on the internet. But the persona they are presenting on this thread is not remotely consistent with their comment history.

That is literally pretty much 100% of the reason the founding fathers chose the Electoral College system over a popular vote - they were afraid a populist  authoritarian demogogue would win if we chose by the popular vote.

Pence is terrible, sure. But Trump is a fascist who gives zero fucks about democracy, freedom, maintaining peace, or anything but his own self-aggrandizement. There’s a reason even Glenn fucking Beck said Hillary would be better than Trump, and it’s not because he likes her policies. President Pence would put many

According to exit polls, *Trump won whites age 18-29 by 5 points*. (By comparison, Obama won that same group by 10 points in 2008.) And that group was 12% of voters. The polls don’t break the numbers down by both age & gender together, so I don’t know how the male millennial vs female millennial vote compares, but

And Medicare.

Or because they’d rather settle for whatever success they can achieve in the system that’s familiar to them, than to take the risk of fighting for change. Or because they want attention (being the “cool girl”).