
This series was amazing - one of the most fun, funny, entertaining comic books I’ve read. I was already genuinely sad that it was ending, and then to hear about the harassment Cain was getting for it? :((((

This whole conversation got me curious about plasma donation in the US (where I live, it’s a common way for people who are, uh, financially insecure to help pay the bills, but it always seemed exploitative to me) and I did some reading online.

Hahaha, I like the idea that Enterprise was his historical fiction novel.

By the 23rd century, the human race might not define it as “queerness” either. A lot of how we define and talk about sexual orientation and gender identity is socially constructed and has changed dramatically over time.

Based on human history of “warrior cultures”, I think there are basically two main possibilities:

I’m sure it still does. It happens in the US, too. I’ve known people who’ve relied on selling their blood plasma to feed their kids.

For what it’s worth, the blood plasma business next to my gym pays $30 per “donation”, in 2016 in the US. It’s in a low-income area (I’m sure that’s not a coincidence), and I’ve known a number of people who routinely “donated” the maximum amount every week (2x) in order to put food on their table. It helps them, and

I think calling them a rogue state could come across like validating their claim of being a caliphate, so of those two, I think rebel group would be the way to go.

I think when we’re talking about a group that’s calling itself a government and is fielding an organized fighting force of 30,000+ guys, we may have gone past what we normally use the term terrorists for. Fighters or even army may be more accurate in this case.

Haha, yeah, I think Barrowman said that in an interview. I’d forgotten about that.

Sure it has, especially in the days when being bi was, I guess, considered “better” than being gay, less damaging to your masculinity or whatever. Elton John and Morrissey, for example, have been out as bi for decades.

You know what else inspires Millennial nostalgia and are also have new propertis in the works? Legends of the Hidden Temple and Captain Planet. Yes, Millennial nostalgia will be just as annoying as every other generation’s nostalgia. Give it a decade or two and we’ll be getting a Hannah Montana remake.

While it’s of course been a few years, I’m pretty sure Bush made a few appearances while he was president.

That’s a fair point. From what I’ve heard, that’s a big downside to working for Marvel & DC - the upside being (potentially) a steady paycheck and bennies and the ability to make a bigger name for yourself. So I guess the payoff for creating new stuff is more to build a fanbase that you can then get to buy your future

Not always, but at least since Bill’s famous sax performance. Politicians realized doing this kind of thing makes you seem likeable and “real” to voters. I’m pretty sure Dubya went on Letterman & Leno & maybe SNL. Obama does seem to do this stuff more than past presidents, possibly as a natural progression of that

He’d probably try to get the FBI to arrest the tweeters instead.

If you think for a minute that Disney cares more about the artistic freedom of the creators they hire than about the wishes of their “special snowflake” paying customers, you need to think again. Disney bought Marvel to make $$$$$, not to protect the feelings of creators who get hurt fee-fees from being asked to

What. How on earth could anyone in the alt-right even be a fan of a show about a post-capitalist future Earth that no longer has a United States or banking system and is part of a Space UN full of literal aliens founded on principles of peace, freedom, and equality?

Plus another ~20% or so should be bi?

Well, and that Young Avengers ended ~2 years ago.