
I’m sure we’ll develop hardier crop varieties and more efficient farming methods that will help, but that may not be enough to help subsistence farmers.

Yeah, no matter how great the weather is, if the soil’’s no good you can’t grow shit.

That dog is pretty cute though. 😍

Is there a lot of traffic there?

Some might be aimed at foreign investors/trade partners, too. Come build your shitty cheap factory in the DPRK, clearly we speak great Engrishee and are advanced socialist paradise. 😉

It’s probably a pretty cheap vacation, and definitely, uh, memorable.

The elite have food, medicine, computers, cell phones, etc. But DPRK also does a lot of weird crap to try to make their country look like a prosperous communist paradise to tourists, potential trading partners etc.

I get the impression that a lot of people in ROK like the idea of unification. A lot of families were split by the Korean War, for one thing. So I wouldn’t totally discount ROK there. But assuming the regime slowly crumbles, then yeah, there will probably be an increasing number of refugees fleeing into China. I think

I remember that Jonathan Hickman said, when he was writing Avengers, that one of the main Avengers members is LGBT and he was going to have them come out during his run on the series. Needless to say, that never happened.

Maybe, but “The outfit is completely CG” sounds pretty specific. I’d say that at very least, they’re significantly exaggerating.

It’s a comic book movie. The amount of bad unrealistic fighting in that genre is very large.

Yeah, uh, I’m calling bullshit on this. Unless they originally shot some of the movie with him wearing a suit and then decided it looked bad and went back and reshot those scenes, the suit was not 100% CGI.

I swear to god I read an article where Boseman talked about how hot the suit was. I figured they snazzed it up a bit with CGI, like they did with Bucky’s arm, but not only did I not notice it was 100% CGI, I still don’t really believe it.

On the other other hand, Bill is kind well-known for exercising a lot, at least he used to be. He’s probably in pretty good shape for his age, while Trump’s shape is round.

When people really think that Hillary rigged the election, maybe they should buy a tin-foil hat. There was favoritism on the part of the DNC, and Hillary most likely would have won by a smaller margin if that hadn’t been the case. But Bernie was always a long-shot candidate who never had the support among POCs and

That is odd. I’m pretty sure my last “dumb" phone circa 2007-10ish had a better camera than that.

To be fair, you can get a decent Android phone for a third that, and a crappy one for even less.

When the election is Establishment Center-Left vs Wildly Irresponsible & Ignorant Fascist Crazy person, then yes, the sane right will join with moderates and liberals in their vote. That doesn’t mean liberals are wrong.

She’s been Hawkeye for ~10 years. Also, I think a lot of the new push for legacy characters is really about actors’ contracts and making sure they can replace Robert Downey Jr or Chris Evans.

Or, you know, they could tell great stories featuring a diverse cast. Which is what they’re doing.