
Blackface is inherently racist, because of our history and cultural legacy, even if the performer is well-intentioned and just ignorant of that fact.

Dude, you’re being intentionally obtuse. If a black kid painted his face white to look like Captain America, and particularly if there was a long awful history of black folks painting their face white to publicly mock and demean white second-class citizens, then yes, it would be offensive and messed up for a black kid

Ah, you’re a troll, gotcha.

I think we’ll see an all-autonomous fleet in my lifetime, but I really doubt we’ll see everyone spontaneously giving up car ownership.

That’s a pretty low bar...

Because people want to read it now and not wait until it’s cheaper, I suppose. Otherwise everyone would tradewait everything. I know when my LCS way over-orders an issue they’ll mark the leftovers 50% off. I’m sure it’s better for them to do that than to hope they can sell all 10 or 20 leftover issues at full price

When people who don’t have a medical problem take up a juice diet or a gluten-free diet for a month in order to “detox” and lose weight, that’s a diet. They might not *call* it “going on a diet”, but that’s what it is.

That’s your experience. In my experience, people over, oh, 25 or sk who are fit are usually that way because they make a conscious decision to eat healthy and exercise. (Edit: or they have an eating disorder, take diet pills, etc. )

I think the point is more whether going back to his place would put you off having sex with him. If you’re only having sex at sex clubs, that’s different.

I’m from the mid-Atlantic part of the East Coast, and that’s what crawlspace means here as well, so I was also puzzled at first. I figured what they actually meant was, and I’m not sure there’s a name for this, but that thing where you have an attic room under a slanted roof, like:/[_]\, and the walled-off“/[” part

DC has one at each station, but IIRC the station attendant has to open it for you.

Apparently that’s a retcon. Originally he was just “Bucky Barnes”, and I guess that used to be a common childhood nickname, back when he was Captain America’s elementary-school aged kid sidekick. Now that whole thing seems terrible and hokey, so of course they did some retconning over the years.

To me, that poster doesn’t say anything about her loyalties. It says that the threat of the Death Star hangs over everything, it’s always there in the back of mind, behind everything that happens in the story...... not a subtle metaphor, to be honest.

The Japanese one is a better design, it’s lovely. The Korean one makes it look like an Avengers movie or something. It’s not bad, but I think a little generic.

He does it now, but if he could use the powers of the executive branch to manipulate geopolitics, he could do it a lot more. For example, lets say his son wants to license the Trump name for a hotel in Moscow. One of Putin’s guys calls up the White House and says “hey man, look the other way next time we attack

Probably everyone she knows has a nanny, so she can’t imagine what it’s like to do it on your own.

I dunno. I think he wants to use the presidency to enrich himself, and possibly to retaliate against business rivals or just people who criticize him. He’s a “real estate developer” that doesn’t actually build buildings - he licenses his name to actual developers who put it on their buildings. A lot of those

I think that would be my partner’s literal worst nightmare. He’s a grown man that gets queasy seeing someone else get a shot. In the arm.

Yeah, it’s possible that she’s had basically this same conversation with male coworkers many many times and they apologize and then keep doing it. If that’s the case, and it just wasn’t reported, then I feel sympathy for her, because that’s harassment and a hostile work environment. But if this was the guy’s first

That would be a reasonable scheme to pay for it, but it’s not what he’s proposing. He’s proposing that the government will crack down on unemployment fraud and will be able to save so much money that they’ll be able to fund paid maternity leave.