This is probably the best Kinja I’ve ever read. Thank you.
This is probably the best Kinja I’ve ever read. Thank you.
Nothing is as bad as Calliou. It’s no doubt aimed for younger kids (my four year old doesn’t even really like it anymore) but it at least has less yelling and Daniel doesn’t whine like Calliou. Calliou is what you show kids to raise them to be sociopaths.
NO! Nothing in this world is as bad a fucking “Calliou.” I will watch endless hours of “Daniel Tiger” before I even fathom watching “Calliou.” It’s a little known fact that “Calliou” is used in secret CIA prisons as an interrogation method so cruel that the Hague has come knocking.
I think the proper usage is traveshamockery. It is more cromulent.
I think he meant next to the Left-Right-Left-Right B-A start
I wish reporters would ask every Republican...
Don’t you just hate it when Toffees get stuck in your teeth?
Because he’s the best hitter who ever lived and the idea of him imparting his knowledge to a new generation of players is a wonderful thing.
Did you guys even watch the video? There was someone merging into the road at that exact moment. There was no opportunity for him to merge right without changing his rate of speed (cruise control).
Really? What do you think of Red Lobster biscuits? They are amazing.
There just needs be an entirely new political party created for those of us who are socially liberal and fiscally conservative.
This will not happen. Showing my child something from Bleacher Report is the type of evidence my ex-wife needs to regain custody.
Careful there, you might just be assigned a take-home assignment.
The prisoner’s dilemma does have a solution: Both players defect. That’s the Nash equilibrium in single or finite repeated play.
My aunt threw away my starter.
Wow. If voodoo economics can’t work in Louisiana...
Well, that is good for a relatively long term goal, but short term, Benteke would still miss.
O her was so forgettable in that game, he started dating George Michael Bluth.
1. I’m a guy and never at any point thought it would be smart to challenge this quote or whatever it is you’re doing because I see enough truth in it to leave it be.