
For potato crime, there is only Potato Judge, and his verdict is GEEEEEELLLLLTTYY!!!

Good for you! My opinion is that when an editor says she can't write something well because it's too hard and suggests no one else can do better, she deserves to be called on it, and that Gawkerverse runs on snark, so getting pissy about a snarky comment is pretty silly. I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.

For god's sake. If I mention that I wrote a lousy headline and that it was only good in comparison to what Jez used eleven or twelve more times, do you think that would help? Or are you just determined to keep accusing me of things I never said no matter how many times I tell you that I never said (or meant) them?

Hey, you added that extra exclamation point!

"It Happened To Me: I Was Raped At Disney World And Nobody Cared"

Jessica, I read your article. Could you please explain to me what you felt the purpose of this was? Are you so angry about misleading headlines that you felt the need to end the recount of her victimization post her rape with "et cetera"? Yes, as you said, that was the point of her article, that disney victimized her.

"She does not say whether or not his apartment was provided by Disney (participants "have the opportunity to request off-site housing," according to the program's website), but whatever the case, the housing most certainly is not in the theme park. Summer employees are not bunking in Cinderella's castle or sleeping in

The college students live in a housing complex owned by Disney World, on Disney World property, very close to the park. If she was raped in a dorm room at, say, UofI, would we give her shit for saying she was raped at UofI because it didn't happen in an academic building?

Well I must be a fetus, because your jokes are KILLING ME!

Why did the woman get breast cancer?

Jez, I want to request an Amanda Bynes blackout. Stop documenting her issues, stop gawking at them.

I'm sad. I'm an artist, and I had an opportunity yesterday to do a piece of art for a book, but I think I priced myself out of the project. It's frustrating, because I would have done it for much less, but also think that I owe it to myself and other artists to say what a piece for that use should cost. (I looked at

Oh I know, I know! This is Former Relationship Rape. Not to be confused with Legitimate Rape or Date Rape or Asking for It Rape. This is the kind of rape where it's okay because at one point in time it was okay!

Well, that's enough internet for the day...

Yep, this is where I stop interneting for the day.

Soooo... I feel like the face of the future will look considerably less white. Just throwing that out there.

Aside from the ridiculousness of this Kickstarter request, I think part of the reason that they did not make any money for it is because they don't have the fan base as a musical duo. The other celebrity-affiliated KP all had fan bases to already draw from. Veronica Mars was a cult favorite with a dedicated audience,

What a horrible man. Grocery store tabloids lost all of their interest for me when the Weekly World News went out of print(come back to me Bat Boy!). And I won't body snark him back- but I will snark on those awful glasses in the first picture. Let's face it, they look like something a Lifetime movie child molester

One would think that if your boyfriend contracts even peripherally for the NSA or any of the alphabet agencies, this or some other scenario involving sudden disappearance would be part of her nightly "what if" roll. I also sincerely doubt that she wasn't aware of his deepseated pro-privacy convictions... though she