
I really think the world needs bitchface competition. Kind of like the "walk-off" from Zoolander, but for bitchface.

We're here. We're frowning. Don't assume we're bitches.

Too Friendly. Not friendly enough. just as long as we're never quiiiiiiiiiiite right. Can anyone think of any example of men being expected to assess themselves and second guess themselves and make micro adjustments ALL. THE. TIME.

Exactly... of all the bands on the planet, the only one Anna should NOT have chosen would be the Eagles! And Dude-pa is too cute for words.

I thought this was actually a thing that exists so I googled it. I was disappointed.


Saying the government only cares if you're communicating with a "crazy person in Baghdad" is absolutely making shit up. I didn't watch CBS news last night, but there's no way they could have said that, because it's simply not true. Not even the most pacifying government official has gone so far as to say that. For

This is creepy and I wish privacy was a real thing. I guess we are living the distopia dream.

Don't be silly. You can only kill her if the date takes place at nighttime.

Hey! Are there any Denver area Jezzies out there? I'm more than likely moving there next month from the high country by my lonesome self. Just looking for some ideas on places to live, rooms to rent, and maybe someone to share a cocktail with since I will know NO ONE there!

Last year I bought a Coobie, and it's become my favorite bra. Good support, no poking or digging, and my back is totally smooth. Definitely getting more when my budget allows for it.

My school had an elaborate tie-break system weighting number of credits, AP courses, extracurriculars, etc. for this very reason. So you could have ten people with a "perfect" GPA but the one who won the tie-breaks was Valedictorian, the 2nd was Salutatorian and then they had a special designation for the top 5% or

Thank you. This is a super beautiful project, so i have followed on my personal Tumblr <3 Maybe one day I will submit some art.

Hey all. Just thought I'd pop by to brag about being an official college graduate- my commencement was today (associates in liberal arts from a community college that took me 15 years of intermittent attendance, but still) and mention again my rad radio show, which you can catch live from 10pm- midnight EST at

The things listed in Ironic are mostly not ironic, but the fact that she wrote a song called Ironic about things that are not ironic....isn't *that* in itself ironic? #Meta

Spoiler: it's people.

You're 'militant' if the person using the word doesn't agree with you. See also: radical, rabid, fanatic, etc.

"I'm a bubble person."

I just hate the word, "militant." Why does that adjective have to proceed social movements? And it's always negative. My mom tells her friends I am a "militant vegan." WTF does that mean? It ONLY serves to paint me as some fucking vegan tyrant. What is the difference between a feminist and a "militant feminist?" I

'Reproductive coercion' is a little emotionally depleted, but I'm not sure that's the problem. 'Coercion' to me describes a forced choice. There's not really a forced choice, here — they don't even get that (non-)opportunity. So if one needs a neutral but accurate phrasing, 'reproductive deception' might be more