
It has been a shitty week for pretty much everybody: Jews, Palistinians, Ukaranians, Russians, Blacks, Whites, Women, Men, John Kerry got made fun of by the N. Koreans....

So...cop targets WOC because they're one of the least privileged groups in the country and he's more likely to get away with it. Fucking fantastic.

And a partridge. In a pear tree.

So you do not believe men ever come across as entitled, yet you write a comment that is seventeen paragraphs long about how women are wrong to share their experiences in a forum aimed at women, because you personally have not encountered the same experiences?

Some man does something horrible to some woman. There's an article, but nobody gets a direct statement from either party. I come to a site like this one, and there are hundreds of people making claims about the case. It sounds like he's guilty, but I'm not 100%. There are all sorts of things about how "this is why

Also, how have we never talked? If you want to talk on gchat, the other article about being hired by GM has my gmail in it. Don't be a stranger. :-)

Especially when the bodies are occupied by intelligent and/or talented humans.

BREAKING: Women appreciate male bodies. News at 11.

I guess it depends on what metric you use to measure online dating "success." My first question was, well, if they're so popular, then why are they still on a dating site? Maybe their popularity actually makes it more difficult to meet someone who's a good match since people are bound to get overlooked in the message

I would go husband hunting, but hunting licenses have been really hard to get ever since the local husband population was decimated by chick flicks and demancaveification.

You must be such an amazing photographer to never use photoshop! What kind of camera do you use? The iPhone 5 or 5S?

By George, I think you've got it.

So... wait, I should pay attention to the man behind the curtain after all?

Fuck, this is horrible and disturbingly familiar.