
Laura Beck, I'm appealing to you because you write a lot of the best articles on Jez and because I see that you're the one who shares a lot of posts to the mainpage from Groupthink. The cosplay pictures are all fun and games and that's fine, but I feel like there are a lot of really well-written, smart stuff over on


That's a gouda idea!

You called?

Just once, JUST ONCE, I would actually like to see a Baby Einstein that is just a baby, dressed up like Einstein.

"Listen," said the parents and the school in a joint statement, "If this were an issue of a promising young football player playfully raping another student, certainly we could look the other way. But this isn't that. This is a violent crime of an evil teenager consensually having sex with a slightly younger teenager.

How on earth does she manage to make even a graduation robe look chic? Not fair. Fabulous, but not fair.

Only the finest cocaine for my little girl's fort adventures.

This is a good point. Incels are primarily straight men. There are certainly women who can't find a date/hook up to save their lives (or so I heard. from a friend.), but the people claiming they are "involuntarily celibate" are men.

It's worth it!

Wow, I'm just.. wow..

You know, I've lurked on Jezebel since the beginning, and I have adored theinsightful and thoughtful postings, but lately, I feel like you all are Internet trawling for the bizarre andweird and getting all heated about the opinions of one. (One who is deeeelighted to have an audience. Usually.). I'll also say, as the

I like how Jezebel decided to highlight the rantings of a seriously disturbed individual as if it is germane to well, anything really. What sort of meaningful dialogue do you think you're achieving with such a person?

There's a difference between mentally unstable and scary.

If there are THOUSANDS of people in these communities, why aren't all the incel people dating each other? Seems like a no-brainer.

Well, then you're a pitiful sex-crazed fiend for lowering your standards enough to put your penis into someone who is a "simpleton." Who does that?

This last date, where a girl didn’t even reject me but simply told me about her life and the mass of things she has to do or her plans to go abroad was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

So how come all these men who I keep offering sex to keep turning me down?

Or a burner who claims to be him is here, having a little fun.

I'm involuntarily not thin. I lack the innate ability to personally take the steps to lower my weight and get thin and hot. Because of this, my life has been harder in many ways, and I've been denied the right to a full and happy life so achievable to thin people. I demand the government buy me a nutritionist, a