
I refuse to support Big Lentil.

Well thanks be to cheezus that Zara signed, because I love those fools. (wearing these right now)

The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good fetus with a gun.

WHAT! Me neither. How many times to you have to repeat/spell your name for people when introducing yourself? For me it's usually, "I'm Jillie... not Julie... with an i... it's actually short for Jillian..." etc.

All I'm hearing is that it's only called "extra support" when you're a woman. Being a man and belonging to golf clubs, intraoffice groups and committees, having older male mentors - that's just all part of the job. If a woman does these things, it's a secret cabal of vaginas. If a man is on a leadership committee

Next week: wealthy Manhattanites hire veteran amputees to get around waiting lists for their own desired wedding venues.

Anyone know where one could donate money for their healthcare? Does such a fund exist.

"He has a window through his door. He doesn't have a television, doesn't have radio, doesn't have magazines, no access to newspapers. He's completely isolated from society."

That is my life. Exactly. Thanks. As we speak, my face is probably fairly bitchy.

Chronic bitchface got me into trouble in school too. Once, I was all ready for this meeting to discuss my progress and I was going to explain how I felt I was doing, acknowledge my mistakes and the mentor was like, "You look like you don't want to be here.". I was shocked. Nothing of what I was going to say mattered

On a total side note, anybody else think the age difference between the actresses and actors in this movie is kind of annoying? I know that's usually the case but it bothers me more in this instance for some reason. I'm not sure what the age difference was in the book though, between Daisy and Tom/Gatsby or Nick and

Ooh, me too! I almost exclusively have sex dreams about my husband. The exception to this is that I will sometimes have sex dreams about celebrities; however, usually I'm a different person in the dream, so it's not actually me dream-cheating. For example, I had an erotic dream once in which I was Sookie Stackhouse

Last week, when Jezebel had that Dirt Bag about Ian Somerhalder and Nina Dobrev breaking up, I spent ALL DAY posting Ian Somerhalder gifs on that thread. THEN I HAD A RIDICULOUSLY EXPLICIT SEX DREAM ABOUT IAN SOMERHALDER. It was on a GONDOLA. I mean, holy crap.

thanks for the link... you saved me 30 seconds, which means I actually watched the video instead of deeming it too much work to search for.

Peeps are too assumptive- We cannot help it, this is just how our faces look!

And it's not just for ladies! I am told I give off an ice queen vibe, but I like to think of myself as well-mannered in a warm way in the workplace, with strangers, etc. I smile in public at random passersby when our gazes meet. But I always hear, "You're so much friendlier than I thought you would be!" or "You

HA, I have default bitch face too. At one point I tried to offset it by purposely putting a little smile on my face all the time. As it turns out, people are even MORE put off by someone smiling when there is clearly nothing happy going on/you clearly don't want to be. I started to get weird looks, so I stopped. I'll

" my personal opinion, The Good Wife basically ruined a much-anticipated get together by putting it in an elevator and setting it to some god-awful music."