
That's actually a ridiculously douchy thing to write to you. :/ Women are typically punished for being aggressive/assertive/ "bitchy", so if they were telling you that your default non-smiling face makes you look disapproving/gloomy, then that's a bit misogynistic... there is no reason why you wouldn't look

This actually happened to me before. I was flabbergasted. Who the fuck cares if I look pretty when I smile? I'm not happy right now and I'm entitled to that feeling, so fuck off random dude who thinks he has dominion over my body parts.

Not a romantic lead, my ass!

Typecasting sucks. Somewhere out there, Sean Bean is waiting for his next role to play a man who gets brutally killed.

Cue all the people who didn't actually read the article complaining about bitches...

Here's the part where she addresses your comment:

Reading comprehension check:

I think we can all agree what Katie Friedman's response to Susan Steinberg should be.

my hope is that it is Cougar Town-like. Good show with a horrible name.

Have you seen her in Children's Hospital? She's pretty funny. But Heartbreak Kid certainly would turn anyone off.

See that, everyone?

This is why we can't have nice things.

After the interview was over, she slipped out the back door, donned a silky black mask, and became her alter ego: RuthSlayderGinsburg. Stalking forced-pregnancy advocates in the dark of the night, delivering an altogether different style of justice. Their appeals fall on deaf ears, their writs of certiorari denied

Oops, I may have just bought my own mother's day gift.... ;)

You absolutely (in my opinion) should NOT do something like that if you're not 100% sure about it. Not from, like, a pro-life stance, but from a pro-you stance. Unexpected or not, if it's something you truly want, then not only do you get "half" of the say of how this decision is made in your get ALL

See also: asinine Seatosky comments overtaking SNS

I'm sorry to hear that. I hope things get better and you come out on the other side of this bad patch very soon.

Hi everybdy,

I wanna think the recommending thing has something with which posts rise but if that isn't the case it should be. Also we desperately need a disagree or not recommend or something of that nature to down vote the crap.

I think the new system driven many of the casual commenters away (and/or resulted in their posting far less frequently) because why bother posting if it's not likely to be seen. This has resulted in the comments section being dominated by posts from "the popular kids"/approved commenters and the most motivated of the