Also: you WILL make it :)
Also: you WILL make it :)
Ha, I posted first I swear!
Thanks for the well wishes, Carlotta!
Hello there, fellow Jezzies. I'm here tonight with a little PSA:
Ha. Amazing.
I made it myself from an episode of That Mitchell and Webb Look—but if you right click (or commando-click) on the GIF and "save image as" it can soon belong to you.
Fozzie always wins 'em over in the end.
Can we please, please-please-pleasepleasepleeeeeeeeease stop crying "eating disorder" at every turn? First it's all the conflation between disordered eating and eating disorders, then it's accusing every skinny celebrity of being an "anorexic jezebel" who's setting a bad example for our daughters, and now we're…
Right? I'm not going to say that binge eating is never a part of an anorectic's or recovering anorectic's struggle, but at the center? Really?
I see we are of a similar mind with our glasses-related-head-shaking GIFs.