Not Entirely Sure

Calling it here and now, it’s the VQ37VHR.

I think it goes without saying that the tip a delivery driver is going to make on an average delivery is not worth the risk of driving in poor conditions. This is this guy’s life put at risk, even if he’s the best poor-conditions driver in the entire world, there’s still assholes out there who aren’t, for a few

Well you’re not helping anyone. The guy had a question on how to do something with a car, and you think that deems him un-worthy of the oh so holy stick-shift? Ok.

Although we could get into all of the other things we’d like to have for $2,500, we shouldn’t. If Vespas are your cup of tea, then maybe this is for you. I’m not sure if it’s NP or not, but I definitely voted NP. Because it’s pink. Bitches love pink.

close, Hunterdon YMCA out on west woodschurch.

If the church is on your right and you turn right, there’s some really fast/nice roads out that way too. I drive it every week to get to basketball and sometimes find myself in lose-your-license territory by accident.

I’m from Hillsborough, which has a few great driving roads itself, albeit extremely dangerous ones. River road in particular is fun, but there’s too many factors that make it far too dangerous to move >60 without wrapping yourself around a tree.

I’m from the next town over, and I can say that Flemmington is the least New Jersey-like town in New Jersey. It’s very Pennsylvania-esque with rolling hills, farm stands, and of course, a Boston Market. It’s a great place to live, and an even better place to drive. You can find some twisties out in the boonies of

Patrick, I’m not sure if you meant to come off as such, but from this article you seem to be an expert in what it takes to change as a person and become a better man after making a mistake. It’s really clear to me after reading this, that Ray Rice is still just a really terrible person, masquerading as a changed man,

Saw something about peak hold on the MKZ post, and I’m unsure of what it is. Would you mind explaining? Is it some sort of way to produce maximum acceleration for extended periods of time? Because that seems awesome.