
Too bad the Russian leaders have turned into Fascist Oligarchs…

Actually, no. Washington had long hair that was powdered for some occasions. Yes, by his slave. But at least he freed his slaves in his will; well, he decreed they be freed after Martha died & she was convinced to let them go early . No other slave owning president did as much. And he couldn't free the Custis

Even Loathsome Ted Cruz sent out a sane message in response to the murder. Is My Jr Senator showing his inner goodness? Or is he worried about re-election next year. (I can hope.)

The protesters with permits brought firearms. Pistols & long guns. Antifa (a minority) were not nearly so well armed. And the lady who died was a totally unarmed resident of Charlottesville….

Russia's new leaders are Fascist Oligarchs. But there are some tough old Russians who could explain the Swastika to Trump. While beating him with their canes….

I'm quite prepared to loathe President Pence. But Trump has got to go.

A gathering was planned at Texas A&M on 9/11 "White Lives Matter". (As if everyone who died then was white.) Every Texas politician (including many Republicans) came out against it. It has been canceled. Richard Spencer is miffed…

General Sherman put a monument in Louisiana. Just before the War, he was the first director of a little Louisiana school that later became LSU. He then resumed his military career—but later maintained contact with the school. He gave them two cannon that he had "picked up" in South Carollina—they had fired on Ft

The real problem is letting idiots & crooks become President.

On the subject of internet discourse, Mike Godwin was contacted about the relevance of Godwin's Law to the current situation.

No, let's keep them away from aliens. (The grey-skinned kind.) Who, after examining them a while, will decide to return & nuke Earth from orbit.

I've seen that "2nd War of Independence" thing floated. But it's no excuse for a ridiculous waste of men & money. The Federalists opposed it because, if it was supposedly over maritime issues—then, why invade Canada? Three times. All failures. But it led to the burning of most of DC by pissed off Canadians.

Galveston Texas was mostly destroyed by the 1900 hurricane; estimates of dead go from 6000 to 10,000. Whatever, it remains the US's most deadly natural disaster.

He probably won't have an internet connection in his cell. Once he realizes that, the horror will set in….

He could have afforded to get help….

You've taken the trouble to find an avatar & have a large number of posts. So hiding your history is just your choice.

The ex-generals on his staff & saner relatives will convince him that resigning is just like going bankrupt. Just another way to get out of a bad situation….

Truly the Master Race…

Ooh, a white nationalist. With a hidden history. How edgy!