
Steve Bannon & Ted Cruz were both not bad looking when young. Now look at them.

I never saw the show in its first run but tuned in when it started streaming. Got through the first season but interest petered out. I just do not care for the Girls.

Then there was the greatness of Deadwood….

We have a Reality Star President who keeps appointing Batman villains. Or Dick Tracy villains, for the retro fans.

We can try really high turnout—especially for a midterm. Gerrymandering is a serious problem but no reason to stay home in a snit.

We're comparing him to the other Republicans. Where a different baseline applies….

Many years ago. Don't blame Netflix—everyone else wanted a piece of the pie.

Andrew Jackson would have been really pissed to have his picture on national currency….

"Good fences make good neighbors" comes from the poet's narrow minded farmer neighbor in Frost's "Mending Wall." Which actually begins "Something there is that doesn't love a wall."

She has had a fair amount of work done, beginning when she was quite young. And not just on her face….

Changing demographics make the old white farts eager to grab everything they can and smash the rest. Time is against them but they are dangerous right now.

When did she do that?

So are you going to fight or roll up in a little ball until 2 weeks before the next Presidential election & ask "how did this happen?"

"rigged" is one of Donald's words. How much attention do you pay to your state's politics between Presidential elections? Have you supported more progressive candidates for state & local positions in primaries? Have you even shown up to vote?

Too many people are ignorant of history—long term & short term. Russian is ruled by oligarchs with a Fascist edge. No more Commie….

One reason our bench is thin: Too few Democratic Governors & Senators. And Reps—which is partly the fault of Gerrymandering.

Primary rules change from state to state. In Texas, you don't declare party membership. You vote in one party's primary & are disqualified for voting in a runoff for the other party. Until the next election cycle begins & you start over.

You do know that there's another election next year? It' pretty important.