
And misogyny.

So, Hillary did not give you a hard-on. Mere competence was not enough, so you voted for Jill Stein. Or maybe the Libertarian?

Trump did not steal a whole platform. He used a few slogans that made the poor whites feel he would help them. And more slogans to make regressed whites at differing income levels glad that he would hurt brown people.

Because they've been taught to think the Clintons demons incarnate since he was President. Newt Gingrich is seen as an Elder Statesman instead of a discredited crook.

So why didn't Bernie stay on as a Democrat to make the party more progressive? And to foster young talent? No, he want back to being a safe Independent in his cute little white state.

A state has one elector for each Senator and Representative. The Two Senators Per State thing is supposed to give smaller states more power

Which "others"? No, it wasn't hordes or shoeless workers rebelling; but plenty of less rich folks took part from the beginning, like the "mechanics" of Boston. Yes, landowners were ascendant—but New England was full of small farmers who owned their own land. They counted.

Occasionally someone drops by & wonders why a pop-culture site like the AVclub has so many political threads.

My local state rep, state senator, national rep, mayor, sheriff etc. are already Democrats. (I live in Houston—diverse & Democratic as are most Texas cities.)

I'm pretty sure Mueller's team is looking into all that financial stuff quite closely. It's not newsworthy until conclusions that can be verified are reached. .

Another Angel fan!

You apparently have red blood coursing through your veins.

Indeed, Saturday Night Live's depiction of Steven Bannon as Skeletor was not quite right. Miller was a better fit. Bannon isn't pure bone yet—there's still some maggot action going on.

I've seen pictures of Young Bannon. He was a handsome Black Irish lad. Alas, that type is vulnerable to the lure of strong drink. (And selling one's soul to Dark Powers.)

Are we "shoving it down your throat"?

I felt guilty for not binge watching Season 2 immediately. Did I contribute to the low ratings? I was going slowly because I didn't want to run out of episodes….

I really came to care for the characters and want to see more of their story. Also, the show is visually gorgeous; that caught my eye until the plot(s) kicked in…

I bet they will wrap things up but we'll still be wanting more…

I watch too much Netflix to cancel it in anger. But I was planning to avoid any new Original shows. Now I don't have to.

That's just Nomi. At least we saw her father come through for her….