The gorgeous locations are there from the beginning—pure eye candy. Then the plot kicks in & you begin to love the characters….
The gorgeous locations are there from the beginning—pure eye candy. Then the plot kicks in & you begin to love the characters….
Dive right in. Then watch it all again before the final episode airs…
What do you mean by "we", Paleface?
I enjoyed the diversity. But I fear the "risky" shows that Netflix wants to invest in will have as much violence and sex. But miss out on the sweetness and humor that Sense8 also showed us. And I know it was expensive—but we saw that money on the screen.
Ah, you also post at National Review! Explains a lot.
And Game of Thrones will probably continue supplying the rapiness missing from Sense8.
One of the sensates is a shark. You want edgy? How about interspecies goings on?
I'd say it's still worth watching.
I grew up on Masterpiece Theater & love my Brit shows. But The Crown seemed like an attempt to recreate the success of Downton Abbey. Excellent production values, yes. And the writing so far was not as abysmal as Lord Fellowes' work.
But some of the Sense8 sex scenes made him feel funny…. M/F is what he likes. Maybe a bit of Lesbo action. And a touch of rapiness—which the show avoided.
Throughout the run of the show, any plot slowness was bearable because of the interesting characters & beautiful settings. For me, that is.
Yeah. The right wing hoax only hoaxed right wingers.
Sorry, I just wanted to show another face of Houston.
Well, Sam told his slaves they were free when he read of the Emancipation Proclamation in the newspaper. But, since there were no Feds in Texas to enforce that freedom, they chose to stay with Sam & his family. They would not have been safe from most other Texans.
The statues removed from Southern cities were all erected after the premature end of Reconstruction to foster he lie of The Lost Cause and tell the blacks to get back in their places.
The more flagrant neo-Confederates were not wanted.
Antifa had nothing to do with this "threat."… Or is the real story even weirder?
Houston has a long-standing relationship with NOLA & the rest of Louisiana. People move here looking for work & to escape flood & hurricane damage. (Our floods & hurricane damage are relatively mild.)
The "threat" to the statue was a right wing internet prank. The weekly Houston Press beat major local media with this story:… Then Pink Armadillo went deeper: https://www.thepinkarmadill… Heavy, man.
Sam was complex & there's more to learn than what you can "look up" in 5 minute. During his first political career as Representative from Tennessee, he heard Lafayette, on his tour through the young country, expound on the importance of preserving the Union.