
I love watching jackals fight hyenas….

Well, we need to concentrate on the 2018 election to weaken President Pence…

After the war, Sherman gave LSU two cannon—that had fired on Ft Sumter. He probably picked the up on his excursion from Atlanta to the Sea that continued through the Carolinas. They are still there.…

Oscar did have a wife. Then he discovered boys….

It was a minstrel tune that predated (and survived) the CSA.

A "White Lives Matter" rally had been scheduled at Texas A&M for 9/11. The sponsor had sneaked Richard Spencer in to make a speech last year, before he was as well known; the school let it happen but there were plenty of protests & little drama. Then they changed the rules so only real student groups could book

Yeah. Detailed election maps show blue cities (including college towns) & red 'burbs & countryside. Except for the Rio Grande Valley—pale blue. And a blue swath through the south called the Black Belt, from the soil that grew cotton so well & descendants of those who picked it.…

From yesterday (probably already covered elsewhere)

Grant also tried to make Reconstruction work. There was corruption in his administration but not by him. Southern historians made his presidency seem an absolute failure because he beat Sainted Bobby Lee—and didn't give up on Reconstruction. (Ron Chernow's Grant biography comes out in October.)

Letting the South go would have been worse for the slaves. Yes, i know, Jim Crow & all of that. But ending chattel slavery in the US was a positive good.

Blocking is the only thing that gets me through Facebook…..

Horrible violence & President Pence getting really tough.

So, melt them down & replace the ones that were lost….

Not all of us are helpless. There's a Facebook group "Seniors for a Democratic Society." And "Boomers Against Trump."

I haven't seen anyone wanting him assassinated. Mostly, we just want him to be gone.

More absinthe? Laudanum? Hashish?

The Texas State Board of Education (elected & mostly Republican) set the curriculum for teaching the Civil War. There were three causes :States Rights, Tariffs and, umm, one other thing….

Now I'm beginning to wish we really could erase history….