(Not That) Bill O'Reilly

I think I see where the OP is coming from. Even though SHIELD and Stark have all this fantastic technology, it’s usually kept to specific locations and devices. We don’t see holotech used by random schmucks in Florida, for example, and any groundbreaking technology is in its infancy stage of being applied to the

This, unlike Deadspin’s, is a very reasonable take.

So you’re so offended by the word that you’ll gladly accept a video of someone saying it and broadcast it to the whole world, in order to ruin his life. Why would you broadcast such a hurtful word?

Non-black guy encouraging non-black guy to record video of himself using racial slur for black people so it can be distributed on internet site. This shit is woke AF.

As the Handbook of Racial Rules notes, white people have immunity from any consequences for saying the word “nigga” when it’s within the context of a song. We regret the error.

Wrong. A Canadian Standoff is when two people can’t decide who’s holding the door open for whom.

It’s good to see the Kings recognize our right to assemble, even if it’s 250 years late.

io9, stop trying to make Captain Phasma happen. Captain Phasma is not going to happen. She’s a regular stormtrooper whose armor happens to be shiny, and who does absolutely nothing of interest. Big deal, move on. Hugs!

The lead picture doesn’t give it away.

I’m sorry brother but this is America, the land of getting spectacularly lit on the golf course

This looks terrible and no one should buy tickets for the 7:30 screening at the Dobly screening at AMC Tysons in Virginia or the one immediately after it. I’ll buy the tickets for those shows and go to it myself, just to make sure it’s really good before anyone else buys tickets.

While writing, Johnson considered having Luke use the Force for some massive attack at the end, but felt it went against his idea that the Force is not a superpower.

The word “shit” is still in the headline tho

Well, maybe if you had put a little more effort into winning the Revolutionary War, this wouldn’t have happened, old chap.

Only once in a blue ball will Theismann get his idioms right. Until then, you just gotta turn a blind herring to it.

Drew like that!? Drew like that!?

“I have never seen the film, but by all accounts it was terrible. However, I have seen the house that it built, and it is terrific!”

I hope he ends up in Atlanta, because we all know what happened the last time Sherman went there.

One of the most-rumored destinations is the Patriots, which would be weird as hell.