“I like it because it’s different and edgy” is not any better than “I hate it because it didn’t feel like Star Wars”. In between those opinions is a film that is very poorly written and has plot holes the size of the grand canyon.
“I like it because it’s different and edgy” is not any better than “I hate it because it didn’t feel like Star Wars”. In between those opinions is a film that is very poorly written and has plot holes the size of the grand canyon.
Barry as a kid:
“According to Jimmy Hyams, Currie didn’t even know that Schiano had ever coached at Penn State...”
Oh I’m a lumberjack and I’m okay.
I will often stand and pee after I’m done taking a crap (and wiping). I don’t know why, but it’s hard for me to get a solid flow going sitting down. Probably should have a doctor look at that...
Those “confidential and also copyrighted” disclosures at the end are a sure sign that the lawyer involved has no idea what they’re talking about. That boilerplate pops up in less reputable spots that are willing to bend their ethics to included nonsense in the hopes that it intimidates the recipient. The author…
What percentage of Trump’s supporters can be described as being like Drew essentially admitted he was? Not actively racist/misogynist as much as men who are stubbornly refusing to engage the wider world because it quite simply threatens them? Drew has been quick to dismiss Trump supporters in the past universally as…
>Works for Gawker
Hey, you can watch Old Yeller as many times as you want, it’ll always end with them shooting the fucking dog.
“Psych them out with a well-placed ‘green duck.’”
The Nats and Caps are like yin and yang, always keeping a constant balance between excitement and disappointment in Washington sports fans
I mean, Panama’s entire existence is predicated on letting things through.
Baseball is the better, more rewarding game.
I react to Yankees playoff momentum articles like I do Penguins playoff momentum articles:
Shut up. Shut UP. shutup. shutupshutupshutupSHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUP SHUT. UP.
Title IX violations and age discrimination? Looks like Albany is doubly at fault, so I guess the plaintiffs have a point.
Durant heard that Jackson was winning the argument so he’s on his side now.
Ugh. Those jerseys look awful. I hate when teams have nonsensical logos and a mishmash of terrible colours.
Really glad I can enjoy this kind of stuff instead of being an insufferable fucking asshole about it for literally no reason.
Great article, my one nit pick - “Having allowed 29.5 points per game last season and 41 points to Texas” - Texas scored TDs on a pick six, a blocked field goal returned for a TD, and a punt return TD so to blame all 41 points on the defense is pretty misleading.