(Not That) Bill O'Reilly

A friend of mine puts butter on his sandwiches. He says it’s something he picked up from his family in central Kentucky. That’s weird, right?

I’m sure they’re not allowed to vocally oppose him, but there have been plenty of comparable superstars who didn’t carry water for Putin the way Ovechkin does. See, e.g., Malkin, Tarasenko, Datsyuk.

You assume the Nats would have scored all their subsequent runs, but the Cubs would not have? 

41 points to Texas

I let my license for Microsoft Office on my home computer lapse because I can get by perfectly fine with Drive’s cloud-based features just fine, and use my work computer when I occasionally need the more intricate commands that Office allows.

Do people not just wrap their bacon in foil? I mean, that shit’s already cured, so it’s not like it’s really going to lose much flavor if literally left out in the open.

And people have a right to want to know what’s in their food. When they found out, they stopped purchasing it. I wonder why.

That there are a lot of people to feed in the world doesn’t make it illegal to tell the truth about something in terms it’s producers may not enjoy.

MLS has a much brighter future than the NHL, even if that’s not saying much.

I mean, that’s obviously what’s going to happen, but god forbid HamNo think any further than first-order consequences.  

In my experience, the fight usually starts when Person B gets all self-righteous about the fact that Person A doesn’t want to be affected by Person B’s decision.

Saddest of recs

We dont want government to take over healthcare we want them to pay for it and get better pricing.

Yea, about that . . .

I don’t have a problem with a skilled signal technician making 140k a year.

In a different apartment, without having poured hundreds of thousands of dollars down the drain into equity in a worthless piece of property?

My dipshit prep school had “free” lunch (included in tuition, so unlimited food at the cafeteria). My high school swimmer metabolism had me eating 2-3 helpings of the hot meal, plus a sandwich loaded with ~3/4 pound of meat and cheese, with 2-3 glasses of chocolate milk. Probably at least 2000 calories at lunch alone,

I would say “exceeding” expectations, considering the Leafs looked like they belonged on the same ice.