(Not That) Bill O'Reilly

I guess I’m curious why we, as a culture, let certain people get away with “action A”, and others who did “action A” get condescending comments like yours...for doing the same thing.

But you might note that the “murderous killer” you’re indicting via proxy here brought vast advances in literacy, health care, and overall quality of life to Cuba despite the crushing force of an embargo by the world’s most powerful economy

I’m not sure why being close family friends with a brutal butcher is OK to begin with, but sure?

It’s not Michigan’s fault the “B1G” recruited some non-conference patsies into the conference schedule for some reason.

Within the context of a specific game? Sure, I guess?

You have a lot more faith in the Ravens’ ability to reach the AFC Championship than I do, good sir.

O, it should have been an untimed down and Cinci ball for some reason?

Declined penalties don’t fall within the rule in other contexts, so now you’re doubly rewriting the rulebook to achieve your desired result.

Deadspin et al. misrepresenting Harbaugh to make him sound like a whiney douche? Inconceivable!

I can only speak for myself, but considering this is remarkably similar to what the Ravens pulled in the Super Bowl (holding in the end zone because it’s a safety either way)—nah.

You sound more hungry than furious, but OK.

Slightly different—they committed holdings in the end zone to burn clock before taking the safety, but the Niners still got the ball back with some time on the clock.

Didn’t they change the rule about holding in the endzone after Baltimore exploited it in their Super Bowl win in 2013?

Rhee . . . never faced much of a public backlash for anything contained in Walpin’s report  

My work here is done

See my edit.

2 years removed from a 60 point campaign—he had 75 last season.

That’s . . . not how bankruptcy law works.