(Not That) Bill O'Reilly

Nope—the settlement that Art Modell reached with the city of Cleveland kept their historical legacy in Cleveland, including credit for wins and losses prior to the move.

Pro football teams have a difficult enough time drawing crowds when they’re in the NFL; what exactly do you think Jaguars attendance is going to look like in the FCS equivalent?

It’s amazing the powers you’ll cede to an institution in the deluded belief that you’ll control that institution forever.

On foreign policy and police procedure, he’s probably closer to the average urban democrat than Clinton ever was if we’re being entirely honest.

Luckily, only 1 of the 4 I mentioned is up for re-election in 2018, so primaries aren’t going to do a lot to give Trump more control over the caucus.

This is about how and whether Trump will be appreciably worse than, e.g., Jeb or Rubio. The accretion of bullshit appropriations won’t be unique to Trump, or even to a given GOP administration.

Of the 4 I mentioned, none bent a knee for Trump despite immense pressure from the RNC to do so, and only 1 is up for re-election in 2018 (Flake). So the RNC won’t have a ton of leverage on them, particularly if they work together to cover each others’ asses.

I interned for a GOP Senator who was part of the #NeverTrump crowd during this election cycle. I e-mailed one of my old colleagues about grabbing lunch to pick his brain on going back full time.

Trump has the thinnest of Senate majorities, and a non-trivial proportion of his party’s caucus there is on record as disliking him. I’ve been wrong on plenty of other things in this election, but expecting the likes of Flake, Sasse, Lee, or Paul to go along to get along still strikes me as unwise.

Or a fan of any AFC North team not based in Cleveland.

Has Saban ever expressed an opinion one way or another regarding player compensation? If takes an approach similar to Rick Pitino it’s difficult to fault him for making the most of a bad system.

The broader question is why these types of hits that aren’t drawing flags seem to keep happening to Newton.

Have you guys ever watched the BBC? News is for NEWS!

The Cubs win the world series.

There’s a stat called PDO, and it’s calculated merely by adding a team’s shooting percentage to its save percentage. The thinking goes, that since both of those numbers are, in the long run, largely a matter of luck, any team’s PDO is likely to regress toward 100. Any PDO higher than 100, then, would indicate a team

That you think the important election is in 4 years rather than 2 is why you will continue to lose. 

Gonna go out on a limb and suggest that if the subject of the joke just laughed and moved on, maybe the rest of us should too.

This post is about how discrimination is bad for the economy. In 2016, the left is anti-discrimination, and the right is pro-discrimination.

Bingo-bango. Every time HamNo or Paul Krugman waxes poetic about union wages in the 50's, they conveniently ignore the part of the bargaining power that came from the unions’ own role in artificially restricting the labor supply to white men.