Oyster Stout

She really can’t win.

Yep, nailed it. Starred.

Not to be outdone, Federer has grabbed a remote controller from his bag and directed a drone to hover over the court. The drone is holding a banner that has all of Federer’s Wimbledon titles listed over a background image of what seems to be Federer but is actually just Federer’s head photoshopped onto Nadal’s body.

Nadal just returned with a giant styrofoam finger on which is printed “Nadal is #1.” Federer is nonplussed and said something to the umpire or referee or whatever they call the official in charge of keeping things sane, the guy in the chair. 

I would support the strike if it wasn’t so counterproductive to the interests of the strikers, a group I know something about because I once was one. We’ve got to remember that Amazon is a tech company first, retailer second. They are also a spy agency for various governments and connected groups of powerful

Nadal has been missing for the past eight minutes. The body language of his coach makes it seem he is unaware of his location and slightly concerned.

This is also true. Some strategies involve much of what you just mentioned. 

It’s hard for me to answer that question without revealing my massive wealth and fame. Then everyone will ask for pictures and money, so I think we should switch topics back to the NBA, my favorite sport.

lol wtf

This is more of an HR issue I think. GMs should be hired based on their ability to see things in the future and plan for them. Another commenter mentioned nuclear war and I think that’s a pretty good reference here. So if we were tasked with hiring a GM, I think one of the questions we would ask the candidates would

We’re going to have to take a good hard look at that rule and hopefully get rid of it. Any rule that limits the amount of time in the future or the distance of time into the future, bigger future years and so on, seems to be counterproductive. For example, if you could plan for the year 2050, would you? I would.

Trump doesn’t care if she is though. Actually, he probably wants her to be. Anyway all he’s doing is trying to promote the idea that there’s some civil war going on in the Democratic party. There isn’t. Pelosi just needs to get her head out of her a** and start realizing that The Squad owns this turf.

This is true, but we owe it to ourselves and others to at least plan for a world free of total nuclear annihilation. That said, we should always assume the worst is going to happen. That way even our bad days are still pretty good.

The tables have turned. Federer was talking to a woman in the audience who interrupted their conversation to answer the phone. It was Nadal from the other end of the court. Federer smirked at him and shrugged his shoulders to the crowd. Nadal is famously flirty. 

Federer’s antics continue. He just attempted to hand Nadal a Coke. Nadal declined and grabbed a Pepsi from his bag. Their sponsors must be loving this.

Federer just fired a ball at Nadal. Seems to have hit him in the bottom. Nadal was not thrilled about it and gave a “Here we go again” glance to his coach. You could hear chuckles in the crowd.

I have to disagree with this one. Being forward-looking is a good thing and the farther out you can see sometimes is a really big advantage. 2026 is only about six years away at this point. If you aren’t planning for five years out then you’re actually falling quite behind, especially these days. NBA teams are made up

Somewhere in the Book of Revelations it’s said that the Second Coming will only happen once all of humanity is able to witness it. Therefore, we need to get rid of Facebook ASAP or we’re all in big, big trouble.

A pair of sunglasses would really enhance his look. And a chain wallet and a different haircut and some whiskers. Not a beard but just a trimmed 8 o’clock shadow. He should carry around a boombox too on his shoulder when he’s skateboarding.