
This points to the issue I have with the far left. It’s the fetishization of “revolution” and “struggle” to the point that even when we do make real advances it’s not enough. You’re either down with the struggle or a sellout. I’m a single black woman making more money than I ever thought I would. I own my own home. I

As a life-long fan of Cornell West’s writing, I determined that I couldn’t fcuk with him no more around the time that he and Tavis (RIP) started that bulls**t tour complaining about Obama. While I was never part of the whole “we MUST LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT Obama” chorus, I felt that, if you was gonna critique the 1st

now this I didn’t know about, and should have been brought up in the piece.

This is an important article and a great point but still not a good enough reason to completely whitewash Gaby’s actions.

Why aren’t white people tired of seeing the next generation make a permanent record of their shitty behavior? Where are the white community leaders to set a positive example for their children?

She’s probably dating a Hotep.

Daaamn! Who’s teaching white women to fight these days? That shit was brutal.

She completely neglected her roots, smdh. Rookie!

When I first read that sentence, I was like, “Ouch.”

LOL. I’m glad you like the herpes sore comment. I meant it. In the most horrible way possible.

Oh, so I post something about how I’m so racist I’d be willing to kill a baby and suddenly I’m the bad guy? Damn libruls ruining the country.

“Mikey... Mikey... we never told you that you were adopted. We figured you knew... You’re a 50-year-old man. This never dawned on you?”

Doctor Who already did the sexy Shakespeare thing:

Still not as ground-breaking as “Rizzoli & Isles,” TNT.

In these troubled times, our standards for “really smart” are as skewed as our standards for hot.

Flicked? I thought it was flipped, have I been wrong this whole time?

I understand how these two are held to a higher standard. As they should, preaching what they preach. But I do wish this was the same reaction for all the Casey Afflecks, Chris Browns, R. Kelly’s and.... our sports heroes. They all get a giant fucking PASS.

I am sure I will watch the movie but I love that the trailer has that sort of “70's dingy” to the whole look of it. Like they shot it thru some kind of yellow filter or color matched it to old photos you might find in your dad’s desk from a family trip back in the day he ran thru a Foto Mat afterwards.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a band be erased like this. It’s kind of surreal.