
This piece is really, really great for spotlighting all the commenters who’ve never taken a college class, do not understand things like context or historical connotation, and who possess absolutely no critical thinking skills. Turns out there’s a whole lot of them.

Old enough to know that posing with a swastika is stupid.

How is it possible that this motherfucker has THE WORST possible taste with everything. Literally everything. He’s a fucking caricature.

If it’s a dong, it’s deliberate. Trust me.

I was on the Metro last summer and a gentleman got on and sat in a seat very close, but perpendicular to me. He appeared to be military...great shape, in a pair of khaki shorts and a polo shirt (very respectable) and carrying what appeared to be a gym bag. He could have just stepped out of the shower into fresh

Isn’t it called The Hammaconda?

“Jon Hamm’s penis is about the size of an obese hamster.”

the ocean is fucked up

1. The coffin lid was open

protein gainz, son. You should have known.

I am dying from laughter from my sickbed. Thanks!

This is AMAZING and exactly the kind of news I needed today.

Don’t worry, he’ll be the last Lannister standing.

I failed math three times and only continued on to the next grade because I kept moving to a new school where my old failing grade was considered a passing grade. I am terrible at math - if there is a form of dyslexia that only applies to numbers, I have it. That being said, knowing I am borderline retarded when it

You have to admit, shit like this is why The Challenge is occasionally really fun to watch.

Patiently waiting for scientists to investigate these shenanigans.

Susan Sarandon is a BernieBot who was and remains comfortable not voting for Hillary because as a rich white famous person, none of this affects her in the slightest. Fuck her.


The most heartbreaking part about this whole saga is that it may have forced a mediocre white tech dude to admit that he can’t do everything. I mean, can you imagine the pathos of that moment, when he realized that his misguided bravado and the penis swinging between his legs just weren’t enough anymore?

I was in the middle of a pressure-filled day...