Not Bad for a Robot

If they knowingly hung spiders everywhere after he specifically said that he had a phobia, then fuck them. Don’t play with people’s phobias. People who do that are the scum of the earth. Otherwise, don’t wave guns around. Not cool.

Totally had it coming. That spider gave that person two chances.

I don’t even know if I should read these, considering I’m still traumatized from last year’s “Look At Me”.

What kind of loser ghost haunts an apartment that is only 350 sq ft? When I’m a ghost I’m haunting a big ass mansion or not at all.

I love that this year, a number of the scariest stories centered on non-ghost incidents. The modeling gig... the poisoned uncle... a woman buried alive... a madman in the basement... Sometimes the spookiest stories are the ones about other humans.

Well fuck. This article should have a caveat that it applies to non-abusive relationships. Sorry you went through that. :-(

A girl broke up with me via Animal Crossing once. Her town had fucking oranges, so I didn’t really give a shit.

Leggings will be pants til the day I die

They’ll probably become the women policing other women and making videos about how “leggings aren’t pants”.

Well that’s the grossest thing I’ve seen today.

I can’t wait until every one of their daughters grow up and turn into Commie Liberal Pinkos to get back at them.

You know why female praying mantises eat their mates after they copulate? Because they know that assholes like this exist.

Again, unless it’s a government restricting your ability to express yourself, it’s not censorship.

It’s funny cause the main pic is of mega blocks not lego bricks!

directly from the BBC article,

This is what i got from the article as well. To me he mostly seems pissed that lego isn’t giving/selling him bricks directly and instead has to buy them himself. Kind of like a painter getting pissed he has to buy paint in a paint store instead of getting it from the paint company.

Seems like Rupaul or Eddie Izzard - being actual transvestites - would be a more appropriate casting choice, but if Cox is cool with this, whatevs.

When that guy picked up the gun I was like “by not killing him, you’ve killed someone else- also, we’ve seen the pacifist letting them go, they come back and eat Bob.”

Oh, those housewives loved Carol giving Mrs. Nuedermeyer shit for her smoking. Fuck you and your pasta maker.

Jedi mind trick: I'll tell my 3yr old "You don't want to help me empty the dishwasher - it's pretty difficult". Suddenly she's jumping up saying "Yes I do!" She'll be four in a few months, but she's already starting to pick up on it. The downside is that when she agrees with you ("You're right - it's too