Not Bad for a Robot

Between Tyrion and Sansa, Sansa has definitely had the most character growth comparatively.

Isn't this a possibility when wrestling other boys too?

It may very well be rape if she is legitimately scared of what will happen if she says no. At a bare minimum it's coercive, manipulative and unhealthy.

but I'm in love, I'm in love, and I don't care who knows it!

Well, with a decent dildo or butt-plug (or even a finger), you can stimulate the prostate in such a way that adds a significant amount of pleasure to the experience (or stands as a nice experience on its own)...

You didn't get to pick the day. It was the second Friday or something. OMG can you imagine? "These are my period pants!"

Your grandma sounds cool.

This is the problem with it: "Men are taking better care of themselves." Shaving your legs isn't taking "better" "care" of yourself. At all. And it reinforces the idea that women (and now men) who don't shave are somehow apathetic slobs.

I know, right? If I were not as civilised as I am, I'd call this person an obnoxious piss-stain. But I won't.

What do I think? I think the Model T was invented in 1908 and For Whom the Bell Tolls is based on the Spanish Civil War. I think that you stretched for influences and fell on your face. That's what I think.

I'm a male and I view people taking up more than their space or being loud and obnoxious as just that. Annoying and inconsiderate. I don't associate that with power.
On the flip side, I may be inadvertently casting a weak image of myself to others. hmmm...

Yah, if it's uncomfortable to sit normally, you should probably see a doctor about that. Surgery might be necessary.

Okay. If there really are a fuckton and they need to be recycled, they (the gubmint, the author, whatevs) just need to use one of those industrial paper cutters that can go through a kajillion layers to cut off the bound edge. PROBLEM SOLVED.

God damnit England. You really need to stop ruining my image of you as a very classy place where little old ladies solve murders in-between gardening.


Dark Seed

Say whatever you want, but I know that if I could just shift 15 pounds, everything else will fall into place! I will find love, spiritual certainty, professional contentment, and my house will always be full of light and dust-free and I will have picnics in the park on the weekends in skinny jeans while I laughingly

You can be both. In my previous line of work "Holocaust victim" and "Holocaust survivor" are both used. It sounds weird, but taking away one's victimhood can be really upsetting for them, because it (in a sense) denies the horrible, horrible things they went through. Focusing onlyon the triumph of their victory of