Hey, SNSers. Let Hannibal tell you some jokes.
Oh, it's not that complicated... :P
Listen, I know this is going to be unpopular but...
Personally, I think people make these sort of arguments because they are stoooopid.
I don't know, I'm not proud of pooping because it's a sign that I'm a living creature and not a plant or a rock.
Oh, hell no, I'm not accepting my period as it comes. I suppress the shit out of it with drugs. Better living through chemistry!
I am an engineering professor in an Earth Science department, where there's plenty of opportunity for faculty members and students to spend time together in the field or during long hours in the lab.
I remember a few years ago when Samuel L. Jackson was appalled that he couldn't get one NY cabbie to stop for him. Regular black folk who had experienced this were like, "yo, what? You just figured this out? Shit happens every day."
Aldos fall apart anyway. They're way overpriced for the quality.
Mr. Laurie is so droll; he's always out of humour:
Why do so many narcissistic, power-obsessed assholes become doctors? Why? And if they're going to brush off a woman's concern as "bitches be crazy," why the hell do they go into ob-gyn? Why can't they go be tyrannical lab bosses or something?
I have some controlled health issues. But they fall into the realm of issues where I am automatically a high-risk pregnancy - both for me and a child.
Children are not dogs, obviously, so there's that.
It's crazy. It's like OTHER STUFF BESIDES KIDS.