Not Bad for a Robot

I wonder if it’s a new vs old water treatment plant thing? I use a Diva cup.

Actually dental floss and condoms are big problems (I was surprised that people flush either of these). Apparently tampons don’t make it to the waste water system (at least in Ontario) Their applicators do, now who flushes the applicator I don’t know.

Had a discussion with someone who works in sewage treatment last

That’s what I thought! I heard all these wonderful things and I CAN’ Tstill get something in my size.

There are too many exs that threaten to kill themselves. I wish I could have said “fine.”


I honestly think your mom is trolling you.

The idea that an organ would fall out from a series of movements is absurd. Apparently, they actually meant ‘rip your hymen’ and then you wouldn’t be a virgin. Oh noes! I’m pretty sure that was honour was taken by the Captain Crunch of tampons, tampax.

In the 1980 and early 90s they were still telling girls in elementry school in rural Ontario that they couldn’t do triple jump (hop-step-jump) because your uterus would fall out. As soon as it was said, I did it over and over and over in front of my teacher and asked why it hadn’t fallen out yet? And could it fall out

Good for you!

Sandy’s Lost Sense of Self.. You changed your entire personality to make a boy like you. That’s just...Wow. I mean, good luck with that, but...huh, okay. Well, see you at the a high school reunion, I guess.

I’m not the only one who sees that. good.

Good luck suing. Depending on which country you are in, it can be damn near impossible to sue or to win.

I’ve been decently lucky in manufacturing but fuck it’s awful. I get all of that when I do offsite visits. I think the worst is when I get a salesperson in to talk to me about a purchase I am going to make, and they start talking to our male secretary who knows nothing about what the are selling. I can tell you

Huh both are self destructive.... huh. I need to think about that.

I was like "Oh good more subs for me."

Out of curiosity, is Lego Elves equally as problematic? I was looking at it for niece and noticed that it seemed to be more expensive than some of the equivalent classic sets

Ahhh so that's where the cast of Dragon's Den went... Shark Tank got it.


Is it strange that for some reason I read this in William Shatner's voice. It was awesome.

I think there needs a to 'I dated another narcissistic' support group.