You are being generous, they don't even know about Barrie or Go transit.
You are being generous, they don't even know about Barrie or Go transit.
I get it, I pretended I was in ton Dungeons and Dragons to get a boy to like me. It didn't work. Even when our characters made out. Some people are dumb.
Or is it like DUCK! it's all a Blur because it goes so fast?
Consider what the bride enjoys. The whole "Oh I'll take you to the strip joint and pay for a lap dance because that will humiliate you or anything else that you hate" isn't fun for anyone at the party and yes we all thought you were a fucking dick.
I'm trying to imagine an alien anthropologist trying to explain human sexuality and the hypocrisy. I assume it involves sending more grad students and then a lot screaming fits at interplanetary conferences.
I'll be the token woman. I've asked out every guy I've been with. Some said no, but I don't hold it against them that they weren't interested. Sometimes people just aren't interested and that's okay. Hell, I've even done the romantic gesture and ya giving a guy a love letter etc. makes them very uncomfortable. It's…
Ya, the reading through her phone thing made me think "Ummm controlling much?" There is no such thing as reading through someone's phone to make a joke.
*clutches pearls*
I honestly thought he as gonna say "see I was right to be a dick to Jian Ghomeshi."
Oh Barister Cuttlefish failed that photobomb with Streep and the General.
haha my Mom was like "I knew she was from Coronation street!" Woot corrie!
I put the pills in the people in cosby voice. and more
I was wondering if Fragglerock Boulderdash was in on it too.
I screamed at an art teacher too!
THIS IS FANTASTIC. I didn't watch it when it first came out. But man, Billy Bob saw something we didn't see. I bet the producer told him not to mention his career.
And don't forget: When you're in a group and something bad happens, always blame the healer. If you are the healer, always blame the tank. (Just kidding, find a friendly guild or a nice group of people and you won't have to blame anyone.)
I was pretty sure it was blame the rogue.
Whew... I thought I was unicorn or something. I don't like being special.