Yes, this is true, but Donald is out to prove that it can be much, much worse than it currently is.
Yes, this is true, but Donald is out to prove that it can be much, much worse than it currently is.
Taking out a $3,000 loan has nothing to do with a social safety net.
One overlooked aspect of Christmas is the role of Joseph, who God put there to reassure Republicans it’s okay to have a beard.
1. One newspaper columnist in the UK suggests that we keep the Christmas holiday going until the fifth or sixth day of January,...
I lost 70 lbs in the first 6 months of last year. I’m a lazy father of a toddler. No time or desire for a gym, $0 spent on any of it. Also, it is possible to lose massive weight and not post a single picture to Facebook about it for the duration. As a result my friends and family were actually surprised and happy for…
I actually take a break from the gym for 3 weeks each January. That gets past 70% of the new members.
Trump criticized the ethics committee elimination was BECAUSE HE WANTED A MONOPOLY ON CORRUPTION.
I’m willing to bet that they never read any Marx or any Ayn Rand.
Honestly this election is a cluster but democrats need to learn how to take bad news with some level of grace. I didn’t vote for either of these clowns but I am not loosing my shit like most liberals. I love reading most of the blogs on this site but the over the top Trump bashing is laughable. The man is not even in…
Opinions should based on facts. I, and most other liberals, can and will accept factual arguments. This is just a bunch of brain diarrhea based on a fundamental misunderstanding of reality.
It’s really incredible. Growing up, Mario Cuomo was one of my political idols. :(
All we really know about anything is what Sean Hannity tells us.
My parents and I were talking last night about how we cannot believe how different he is from his father. The apple fell far, far, far from the tree on this one.
You could have just grouped them all under the heading “because I’m a gullible fucking moron”.
A multitude of reasons. Putting America first probably being the biggest.
These are a lot of words to simply say “I am dumb”
His father is spinning in his grave.
“Fuck You”