Not a Troll

Neat, it seems like Fox is taking risks with their properties, which is more than I can say for Marvel Studios. Legion is by far my favorite live-action comic book thing ever after The Dark Knight.

So Germain pans Alien: Covenant which sits at 75% on RT, and he praises King Arthur, which currently has an 8%.

Well, I always expected it to be awesome. So, yeah, I guess people who have that weird, anti-Guy Ritchie bias, would be surprised. But, seeing as he’s made 2 of the most entertaining & thrilling Sherlock Holmes’ films to date, I had no doubt he’d bring us the best Arthurian film, since Excalibur (and, yes, I still

I didn’t get the hate. Sure the trailer looked ridiculous, but ridiculous is how this man makes his money. Richie has a damn good track record of fun, entertaining films, and hasn’t made a bad movie since he’s gotten sizable budgets. I have to admit I had some doubts, but I was always gonna see it.

I think people still have this mistaken notion that Guy Ritchie can only make one type of movie and that any story outside of a usual gangster film will get suffocated by these tendencies. I think he’s really proven he has his own style and a capacity to make different stories work.

Damn straight.


I’m with you. I thought it looked like a hell of a lot of fun since the first trailer.

It’s a Charlie post, he won’t. I never post on Kinja, but all my work with children with ASD and those with Downs Syndrome made me want to say something. This is the guy who lashes out at any criticism and continues to make a fool of himself.

Yeah. A “superhero” on the spectrum would be like Gary from Alphas (though that was a show).

No, it’s not. It’s completely different. Down’s Syndrome is a chromosomal disorder (trisomy 21, where individuals have three copies of chromosome 21), while autism is... well, that’s a debate I’d rather not get into, but suffice to say it’s entirely unrelated.

there’s yet to be a hero on the spectrum leading his or her own comic. In Lion Forge’s upcoming Superb, that’s going to change.

Scott got loads of great development (and some truly badass moments) starting with when he hooked up with Emma, and going on to him becoming the de facto leader of mutantkind.

Eh, I don’t really see it as sexist. The original story used the classic “absolute power corrupts absolutely” trope, as seen whenever ANYBODY gets reality-warping powers unnaturally.

I am so looking forward to seeing the press photo of Mike Pence fixing his steely gaze of resolve at the moon.

“What the Hell Is This Space Council Mike Pence Is Going to Lead?”

The “Space Council” is to determine “the distance a married man must have, between him and another woman not his wife, should they find themselves dining together in a restaurant.”

All-male crew you say? Space conversion therapy?

I’m finding the outrage to be really amusing for some reason.