Not a Troll

Being dead has never been an obstacle to showing up again in this show, and Wayne already showed once in the afterlife hotel where he was killed yet again last season. And I guarantee you that we haven’t seen the last of Meg and Evie even though they were vaporized last night. I agree and doubt we see Aimee or the

It just took hearing a few notes of Max Richter’s gorgeous theme music for the show last night to be right back in my happy place again. Love this show so much and can’t wait to see what happens.

Definitely a cover up. We already know the government is more than willing to off the GR (and possibly any cult as they certainly went hard at Wayne) since the FBI agent in the first season offered over the phone to come in an eliminate them for Kevin if he wanted.

This site really went down the drain in the last few months

Is there a rule at io9 now, that every second headline about things a lot people don’t want are now “all the things you ever wanted”?

This site really went down the drain in the last few months (no, it’s not only the headlines, it’s the “articles” and “reviews”. As if all the former talent here left the staff and the

The pandering will certainly make them more money...

We really need to come up with a new word other than “badass” for “female character that does violence well”. Not that there is anything wrong with those characters but the word “badass” when pretains to said character is just getting played out.

I literally hate u

You are a stupid piece of shit *lol gif*

They’re alright. Everything is under a microscope these days and with everyone as a critic, if the movie ain’t perfect, it’s shit. And that’s just not fair. People say they give movies a chance, but really they’re already coming in with a bar based off another movie so then you get this issue with what the movie

I see it is still standard at i09 to claim anything remotely attached to a female must be described as “badass.”

You’ll believe a giant studio with a million movies annually filming a movie this year? What?

Reading the comments about this trailer elsewhere, I really wonder which is funnier: bros complaining that feminists have ruined Transformers or adults complaining that there are kids in a TF movie.

Take my money because I’m ready.


“The fuck you lookin’ at?”

Depending on when “later this year” is, this may end up being the last project we get from Miguel Ferrer unless it comes out before the Twin Peaks revival.

Whiney pseudo-intellectual bloggers are worse

At least Mook gets paid good money for being a complete hack whats your excuse Hamilton?

Paid Political Hacks Are Scum. In other news, water is wet and the sky is often blue. Film at 11.