Not a Troll

shut the fuck up

This notion that a place like Oregon (4 out of 10 voters went Trump) is so much more enlightened than some “backwater” place like Ohio (5 of 10 for Trump) is silly and not to be taken seriously.

He’s just like his boss: can’t win an election, but can get rich giving revolting speeches afterwards.

I’m shocked, SHOCKED, that a Clinton acolyte is enriching himself at the expense of the nation.

Then change the character back to what it was, The Jim Starling years were some of the best writing for any comic, ever.

Most of them, I presume, consider themselves good people, and they probably care about various causes, and they think that they work hard and “add value” and earn their paychecks. It would be quite interesting to know how they square that self-conception with the much uglier image the protesters have of them.

So yes, either that or being pedantic.

So you’re just trolling right?

Jesus christ, dude. He very clearly wrote: “it can look similar to the Soap Opera Effect” He didn’t say that it WAS the same thing, he wrote that it can look similar—it’s a point of reference. Everyone else understands what’s happening. Only you are having the problem. Remove the jagged stick from your ass, and move

it can look similar to the

Pro tip: Don’t belabor a point based on poor reading comprehension.

I have a samsung KS8000 and I believe you can set one of the picture modes to “HDR Effect” so it does modify the picture (I don’t have it enabled though).

This definitely doesn’t belong in the greys.

It sounds like you’ve got me all figured out. I appreciate the insight and wish you well.


Marvel got so out of hand with their big event comics that I just gave up reading Marvel altogether. Let me guess, Secret Empire is going to be about more heroes fighting other heroes because ever since Civil War (the first one), that is pretty much all Marvel big events are anymore.

Wow you can set your watch to Marvel Events now. They know what over saturation is right? Basically what happened to them in the 1990's which is what caused them to sell of film rights in the first place.

I wasn’t being pedantic, I was making a joke based on your comment. The unintentional humor in making a spelling mistake while saying: “people are too scared to call people out on stupidity” is hilarious, and I’m sorry you don’t see it that way.

At least get your toos correct!

I, for one, am not too scared to inform you of your use of the wrong “too”.