Not as Grey as I look

Once when I was serving in a bar I had a tray with four drinks on it for a booth with two couples. As I approached the table, one of the men cupped my ass. I immediately dumped the full tray in his lap. As I made eye-contact with his wife, I told him how sorry I was - but that when he grabbed my ass I was so

I love the water taxi, though it might not be the most economical way to go.

My Tom was Scottish, we sat next to each other on an 8 hour flight and dated for three years. He broke my heart, but it was the best "meet-cute" ever.

I'm in Atlanta, and we have no ocean breeze to cool us off! May till end of September is pretty fucking hot. The rest of the year I walk two or three miles every day, but it is so damn hot by 9am that it is tough to motivate.

Me, too. And buttery grits, and biscuits ... And a quarter of the year might be an understatement. Where I live, we are looking at more like 5 months of seriously hot weather, sometimes 6.

I agree. We also have traditional food that is high carb, high calorie, which might have worked in a more agrarian time, it doesn't lend itself to relaxing in air-conditioned comfort.

I love what you write... and, in all seriousness, my comment was meant in the tone in which YOU write... judgmental and catty. Sorry if I didn't pull it off very well. YOU judge, I thought I was throwing it back at you, but I failed. You are still one of my favorites :)

You know, RedWillDanaher... I like you. I keep trying to guess your previous identity. I follow you. I like your comments, generally (although that suck a bag of dicks the other day was sorta over the top)... but meatloaf is the prime rib of my current existence... we love it, we put ketchup on it, and dammit, I

HD1? I hope not.. I will bring my own fucking ketchup....

My daughter douses EVERYTHING in ketchup.... eggs, steak, mashed potatoes... I didn't teach her that way, but I'll be damned if I am going to shame her for having her food how she likes it. Everyone should get to do what they want, and everyone else should keep their fucking judgments to themselves. Does it hurt you

I am taking CS50X from Harvard. All I needed was an email address to sign up. You have a certain amount of time to complete the course. If you are doing it for no certificate and no credit, it is free.

They will be very surprised when the powers that be decide that, since the war on brown people was going so well, they might as well get rid of the poor white people next.

I would't let my kids buy "back to school" clothes until one month into the school year... I was right. Two out of three were total conformists, and I wasn't going to spend good money on something they would deem as "uncool" even if it was brand new.

I would make that one up as I went along, {...Mama's gonna buy you a bottle of wine, and when that bottle of wine is gone, Mama's gonna find a table to dance on...) and we sang it as a family when they got older, adding whatever silly shit we could come up with ... Mama's gonna buy you a Thunderbird, and if that