Yes, details please. I have a teenage daughter. This is info I need for her. A simple, effective defense strategy against a single attacker would be invaluable to her and give this father a sense of security.
Yes, details please. I have a teenage daughter. This is info I need for her. A simple, effective defense strategy against a single attacker would be invaluable to her and give this father a sense of security.
It sounds like a great project. But it was really weird to read it right after all the Zach and Jason stone cold fox comments. Strangely disconcerting.
Yeah, he DOES say "gay...fucking shit". Quite noticeably. Then he continues muttering the entire time the other anchor is talking. Now I'm really curious as to why he was saying that particular thing.
Beautiful camera work and lighting. Having spent a lot of time in places like that all over Asia, they are usually way too cleaned up when they are shown in movies and end up feeling inauthentic. Movie looks pretty great to me.
Me too! And although it's not a popular viewpoint, I think she can act her (very cute) ass off when given good material (i.e. Lost in Translation and Match Point).
Actually, it's both: it's a nose ring attached to a huge, greasy booger.
With 500K and 5 years in the future, I predict missing teeth, hair that's fallen out in patches, skin lesions...she will morph into a Cops episode about the model on meth. Amanda Bynes will play her in the movie based on the book.
That's the truest statement I've seen here. Truth be told, she is, on average, less literate than Tucker Max as well.
It seems Betty must either end up opening her own dungeon in Midtown and act as the reigning mistress OR descend into a numbing swirl of halcion/xanax/valium in order to hang on to her suburban existence without breaking it into a million pieces. Mr. Francis has one foot out the door already and his family wishes he…
Obviously it's an anus ring tattoo that says: abandon hope all ye who enter here! And he hasn't gotten it yet because he doesn't know why every tattoo artist he visits suggests the same freaking tattoo. It's like they all know each other (or him!) or something...smacks of a conspiracy.
FACT IS: love comes in every size. I've had women I dated that started out "average" then ballooned up for any number of reasons. If the situation is "false advertising", then we are definitely done before we start (just based on hating liars). BUT...if the situation is someone I already care for having whatever…
I disagree. The female character in Shallow Grave was a full third of the main ensemble and stoked the whole plot forward with her personal brand of duplicitous behavior. The whole thing turned on her momentary loyalties. Ewan McGregor was the lead, but she and the other guy were both full second leads.
A very thoughtful, well written and grammatically correct piece. Plus it has the fine attributes of being both on point and correct. I wish everyone expressing an opinion on the Internet these days gave both the opinion and its presentation as much thought.