
I have hoped for too long that Carl will die to believe he will now.

Ah name calling, life threatening, and ah yes your favorite - victim blaming. All the classic hallmarks of someone who talks with feelings over logic. Congratulations you outed yourself as someone who just spews angry rhetoric and doesn’t really know what they are talking about.

There are plenty of people playing the PvE full game side. In fact a bonus of the full-game side is that you can earn credits to spend on it OR the Battle Royal side.

Ah so you’re a Troll or someone incapable of basic research. Regardless, I’ll bite.

There is no reason every modern day cell can’t be used as a modern day Switch-light. Connected Bluetooth controller(s) along with the already available option to mirror to a TV or computer and everyone could have a co-op gaming party in their pockets. Nintendo is wasting their potential conforming to current mobile

Nice, even more items and events that will be locked away for 49 weeks in lieu of adding permanent content.

For a complete claiming it was a complete non sequitur you literally provide an actual sequitur from my inference in your very first paragraph. Bravo.

You apparently haven’t read anything else. My point was most other games provide ways to get items OTHER than random loot boxes.

It is not stupid to assume something legally owed. If that was the case we’d all be anarchists as chaos would reign supreme. In spite of your assumption, most people do get it when owed in states that require it to be paid.

I invite you to play more than Overwatch, or even google, as it is pretty widespread to allow mechanics to directly purchase items you want or complete quests/achievements. DOTA, LOL, Paladins, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, Smite, Rocket League, TF2, Smite, WoW, WoT, CoD, BF, FortNite, and these are just the ones

I don’t think you realize how many years it takes to be able to save up 6 months worth of living expenses even in a high demand job. That is a privilege that the vast majority of workers cannot afford without a decade+ of work, even in a high paying job.

Actually not so much. In addition to loot boxes several of the most popular online games today allow direct purchases of the cosmetics you want while also having a great deal of items attainable through quests and achievements(hey Blizzard that’s how you get a sense of achievement, not RNG). Those are also F2P games

I’ve enjoyed these videos longer than I enjoyed the game.

Criticism is not harassment. Criticism is needed as it is how things get better. Just because an item is superfluous like video games doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be criticized.

It’s not free. It’s paid for by abusing thousands of gamers with gambling addictions. That alone should be enough for most people to pass on AAA games with loot boxes.

I think your experience i more tied to people leaving more so than anything else. I’ve noticed ever increasing queue times over the past few months. I think Season 5 was the nail in the coffin for a lot of people and others left for one of several new MMO shooters that have come out.

Sounds like you just played the single player. Every game is easy on single player. I can assure you that it is way way way far from “I make more I win yay”. Tactics win way more often than size.

I’m pretty sure the end of a real threat isn’t giving the person you are threatening one of the most prized weapons in existence.

The Government is pretty good at short term band-aids for long term problems. Not so much for projects that will last tens of generations paid for out of their own pockets.

Ah I guess the $60 dollars I paid for a game was ‘nothing’ and everyone in the industry that refutes what you say are liars. Or the thousands criticizing the event are wrong and you alone are right. Gotcha.