Nope. Explanation is not the same thing as justification. If we want to defeat them we must understand them and to understand them we must look at things from their perspective.
Nope. Explanation is not the same thing as justification. If we want to defeat them we must understand them and to understand them we must look at things from their perspective.
Not to justify any of the violence, but if looked at from an objective POV its quite the contrary. One would have to be very brave to go on a suicide mission. Cowardly is drone bombing kids from a remote facility thousands of miles away. And it doesn’t matter if we only kill their kids unintentionally. The result is…
Exactly as an adult i make tough choices everyday.
All I’m saying and the only point Bill was trying to make, however insulting his angle may be, is that the lesser of two evils is the better option. We only had two choices on election day. Pretending we had a third option wasn’t helpful.
Really? That is what you got out of this video? Maher (who isn’t even Clinton’s biggest fan) was trying to point out how idiotic West’s year long crusade that Hillary Clinton was just like Donald Trump was. And how West’s continued stance of clinging to a myopic political view is unhelpful considering the current…
Yeah. . . I am scratching my head about what this article is trying to accomplish.
Whoever Hillary picked as AG would have been better than Sessions. Small steps forward is better than giant leaps backward.
So true. And even if such a thing mattered, who cares? They supposedly signed up as civil servants on behalf of the welfare and safety of the public, not to have Slave master Trump help them jack off.
Nothing politically incorrect about it, it’s factual. They can take that shit off whenever they want.
To be clear, the dude with the video called news people “news niggas” when he said, these “news niggas” were trying to use his video.
So the racist’s secret is that he’s not as popular a racist as he says he is.
Right, because the US is presently Weimar Germany, reeling from insanely punitive measures imposed by the Treaty of Versailles. Yup, we are totally set up for the exact same outcome today, so we had better just make sure that the left is ready to out-fascist the right in a preemptive strike of morally-justified…
There was plenty of open violence between Nazis, Communists, Nationalists and what have you in Weimar Germany. THAT didn’t work out the first time either.
Some outlets are reporting that the neo-nazis (not gonna call them the alt-right because fuck euphemising who they actually are) are furious with 45 for this move. I really wonder how all this shit is going to play out.
This is way too much thinking about the actions of somebody who doesn’t think clearly in the first place.
Milo, is a succubus troll. Everything about his ‘act’ is to feed off of peoples reactions.
Omg, this is the dumbest article I think this site has ever published. Bill Maher treated that troll like the ignorant child he is. Everyone’s like “Bill should have been tougher on him!” And legitimize his trollish famewhoring. . . why now? The kid is saying anything and everything to get fame and money. He’s locked…
To ensure proper burial of semen, a government Jizz Associate shall attend all ejaculatory events, to ensure captation, retention, and transportation of jizz to its burial or cremation facility.