Not A Merry Man

52 year old liberal who has spent over four decades watching uninformed knee-jerk patriots vote for people who have systematically undermined their future so they can believe themselves to be real Americans. They know the Republicans are out to fuck them. They just know they’re going to fuck other people worse. That

I hope this article is satirical, cause it’s blistering hot garbage.

Exactly. This is Philip K. Dick level stuff.

The alternate timeline where Trump is corrupt and powerful, and where Hillary is locked up.....! GREAT SCOTT! /faints

If reality has a liberal bias, why not just reject reality and create your own?

This is the darkest timeline.

What the fuck is wrong with this country? We are literally living in two separate realities now.

Comedians I like say shit I don’t like all the time. They say offensive things all the time with the context being their job is to make people laugh. That doesn’t mean this instance is necessarily true. There are two sides being reported on this story and I’d like to not believe the Observer’s side.

Oh, sure. Because Chappelle had never said anything misogynist before.

Thanks for your reply. You’re probably right about the intended audience for the Observer article and the more likely reasons for its publication. I would add that the story seems to have moved beyond the Observer to other websites and blogs like Jezebel that may reach more black readers. All they needed was to get

In light of the fact that the New York Observer is published by Trump’s son-in-law; in my personal opinion this “story” is nothing more than an crass , maladroit, cynical attempt to either make a “hail Mary” last ditch attempt to give plausible denial to white swing voters who don’t want to appear as possibly racist