They should start plastering the site with ads featuring the prophet Muhammad.
They should start plastering the site with ads featuring the prophet Muhammad.
I blamed the mormons for Prop 8. They poured a lot of money into commercials lying about schools teaching gay sex to kindergarteners.
This times a million.
Unpopular opinion: Maher won’t apologize and I like him for that. Time and time again he calls out the left for this kind of sensitivity and infighting that distracts us from the larger issues. Besides his apology would mean jack shit which is why he won’t give it. He’s even taken time on his show to talk about these…
Thank you.
I’m so tired of the outrage machines. Left or right, we’ve got bigger fish to fry. If you don’t like it then don’t watch it. No one is forcing you.
I’m with Maher.
Exactly. The rest of the show was going after rich, white men on the right including Trump. None of that causes outrage and rightly so. I think he shouldn;’t have made that comment but I personally don’t even like it when black people say the word. It’s an offensive word and demeans a great race.
I’m a black man and while I found what he said offensive, I will still tune in, because 1) he’s a comedian; 2) comedians will try to take you out of your comfort zone; and 3) many black comedians have said way more offensive things about white people, things that have made me chafe just as much, if not more that…
This type of political correctness is fucking cancer. It was a joke. It wasnt racist, he doesnt look down on minorities and the left cannibalizing each other over a stupid thing like a joke is near sighted with all the other actually important shit thats going on.
... and here comes the righteous indignation of those who would suppress Bill’s First Amendment right to free speech. If you are so young as to not be aware of it or just don’t want to admit it, Bill started out his political cacophony in a little show called “Politically Incorrect”, got fired for speaking his mind…
He was clearly appalled at the phrasing of “working in the fields.” What is it about you guys and not understanding context of a joke? Maher’s reaction was pointing out the use of that phrase. It was an inappropriate joke to an inappropriate use of a phrase.
She should have stood her ground, said it was just “locker room art” and told the snowflake conservatives to fuck off.
All Christians who do not follow Christ’s teaching of Love, Charity, and Forgiveness And All Jihadi Muslims are going to Madagascar or the Ovens/FEMA Camps!!!
All Christians who do not follow Christ’s teaching of Love, Charity, and Forgiveness
You don’t know me but you make me so happy
I tried to call you before but I lost my nerve
I tried my imagination but I was disturbed