Not A Merry Man

Not to justify any of the violence, but if looked at from an objective POV its quite the contrary. One would have to be very brave to go on a suicide mission. Cowardly is drone bombing kids from a remote facility thousands of miles away. And it doesn’t matter if we only kill their kids unintentionally. The result is

All I’m saying and the only point Bill was trying to make, however insulting his angle may be, is that the lesser of two evils is the better option. We only had two choices on election day. Pretending we had a third option wasn’t helpful.

Whoever Hillary picked as AG would have been better than Sessions. Small steps forward is better than giant leaps backward.

That’s actually a good visual metaphor for what “blue lives” really are. They get up for work every morning and apply blue to their bodies and then at the end of the day they take that blue off.

This may be “politically incorrect”, but there is no such thing as a blue life.

Go light yourself on fire.

Aww look at the widdle snowflake.

Yes, he was such a good businessman that no American bank would loan him money.

While there is a lot of horrible free speech that we just have to tolerate in a free society, the fact that the racist images were directly related to the school and their fellow classmates is what makes their suspension okay. If it were just random racist stuff then they would have point about free speech.

Wasn’t it “natural poe-leece” not “good police?” They were talking about detectives who were naturally intelligent and good at solving murders.

How much training do you really need for a device so easy to use a baby can kill with it?

So everything was fine until he realized she was white? This is why we have Trumpy.

Ossoff cosplays as Han Solo while Republicans cosplay as human beings.

I can take solace in the fact that she got more votes and Trumpy will be remembered as an illegitimate failure just like Governor Bush.

What did shoving a dumpster around accomplish?

How about not sinking down to their level? Ever hear of non violent resistance? How many times has Richard Spencer been punched now? It hasn’t stopped him. They don’t care if people fight them. Punching nazis may feel good, but it accomplishes nothing. We can “not tolerate” them by beating them at the polls and

Looks like a relatively small number of children expressing their anger like children.

Their job was to get the “bad hombres” and “just doing your job” is not an excuse in the face of immorality.

What a lovable goof that Barney Fife!