Not A Merry Man

*singing* He’s once...twice...three times a president.

Last October Syria was lost, but now, when his poll numbers are lowest, we must save the children. How convenient. He’s a man-child without a conscience pretending to care when he thinks it might help him. I’m sure he got a huge 1 inch hard on while watching Fox News cover his heroism. 

Its still dumb and racist, but I understand why they would say that to their friend. Its a teenage level “joke.” Context is everything with jokes and the “cotton heir” context makes sense to me. The cotton heir in question doesn’t seem to care. They’re not being malicious, just ignorant and dumb, which is typical for

One of the problems with liberals is thinking they can dictate or legislate how people feel about things. How dare Dave talk about his complicated feelings in a humorus way!

This may have been about how he was mocked for his weird handshakes with the Japanese Prime Minister and others. He’s so thin skinned that instead of learning to shake hands like a normal person he just refused to do it altogether.

I watched this just to see what the fuss was about. There’s nothing to see here. Milo would love for you to think of him as “dangerous,” but he’s just a childish little troll. He clearly likes to push peoples buttons like a brat and people keep responding the way he wants. Don’t protest him. IGNORE HIM.

I propose a law to cremate and bury all men’s unused loads. Trillions of potential lives there and they deserve more dignity than they currently get.


Reagan was a joke. He was a corporate shill. He’s the one who started fucking your uncle in the first place and Trump will be no different.

What the fuck is wrong with this country? We are literally living in two separate realities now.

Comedians I like say shit I don’t like all the time. They say offensive things all the time with the context being their job is to make people laugh. That doesn’t mean this instance is necessarily true. There are two sides being reported on this story and I’d like to not believe the Observer’s side.

Thanks for your reply. You’re probably right about the intended audience for the Observer article and the more likely reasons for its publication. I would add that the story seems to have moved beyond the Observer to other websites and blogs like Jezebel that may reach more black readers. All they needed was to get

As a fan of Dave Chappelle, I’ll believe it when I hear it in context. Misquoting a black celebrity dissing Hillary and praising Trump sounds like one of Trump’s black voter suppression plans.