
Well, she had some opposition, but she was the Democrat in an all democrat district, so she won with 72% of the vote.

That said, Dukes is the worst attender in either chamber, with the caveat that she’s been in and out of court all of this 2017 session.

Hilariously, the Travis County DA’s Public Integrity Unit, which handles these cases, presented all this evidence last year and she still won re-election.

And they don’t run into august unless the governor calls a special session. That’s not part of the 140. The Governor has the right to call as many 30 day special sessions as they want, but sine dei for the regular session is always at the end of May

Oh for sure. and once again, it’s just 1 140-day session. Like “welp, it’s almost summer time. If we ain’t done with all the governin’ we need; tough titties. We’ll try again in 2019" It is very lazy. It’s also why they only get paid $600 per month plus per diem.
Frankly, it’s also the only thing that stops Texas from

That’s not true. They just only meet for 140 days every 2 years. But they are mostly consecutive (excluding weekends and holidays). They run from Mid Jan to the end of May.

I remember when Dawnna Dukes took over from Wilhemina Delco, one of my heroes growing up. This whole cycle has broken my heart. Despite all this

Hey!! You came to my office! Nice!

You’re probably thinking of X-Men Under Siege, which was also great and featured heavily on the 90's dudes.

1) Cosmic Encounter

Nah. Risk should be dead last by virtue of being the worst board game ever made. Risk Legacy could be in the top 10 though.

Right there with you. I’ve been playing video games since, like, 1991, and I just don’t understand. Streaming is dumb. And, apparently, full of racist assholes. And, what is that, a chorus of thousands trying to say that saying the n-word is just a natural reaction to a “heated gaming moment?” No it fucking is not.


In truth, I’ve always found John Walker to be a good first tell of what everyone is going to complain about 6 months after release. He’s a pretty keen analytical mind, but he’s also someone who consumes games differently than most consumers. He tends to judge games almost solely by the experience of actually playing

Also, single player games that cannot be paused should be outlawed.

Like, this is a good blog and all, but I clicked on that 538 link, read it and then clicked on Wagner’s name and, holy shit, 5 blogs in 10 days? Has anyone checked on him to make sure he’s still alive after all that posting?

what kind of a maniac pays for garage space in Austin?

I mean there’s probably a spectrum here. You don’t always have to be “Hamilton Nolan on boxing”, as long as you can clear the “Billy Haisley on soccer” and “Draper on non-bay area teams” bar... 

Enh. 4 was fine, if a little arcadey. 2 was probably the peak, with the most simmish gameplay. The real issue is that 2 Mercenaries is by far the best campaign, with 4 mercs coming in close.

You sound exactly like every single anti-welfare crusader coming out of the far right of the last 40 years. “So you’re poor because life dealt you a bad hand/ you made a questionable choice 30 years ago? Fuck you, it’s your own fault.”