Not a Holiday

I don’t know what it is, but the way he delivers “somebody’s got to go back and get a shit-load of dimes” just makes the line. 

Ssomebodys gonna need a shit ton of dimes.

Definitely check out Vanishing Point.

Now starting the countdown to all her opponents reminding voters of the time she blamed The Jews for 9/11.

No, sorry, that shit’s still good strictly for the absurdity value.

Maria Sharapova is “beloved?” Serena Williams isn’t?

As long as they continue to offer the free-with-ads version, I’ll continue watching. Don’t use AdBlock on it either.

I think it’s one of the main failings in how Lisa is dealt with by the writers that her sibling jealousy is actually a prime character detail (we’ve already hit some of the main notes just in the last two posts); but unlike all of the other Simpsons-family (and even larger Springfielder) foibles, it’s always treated

Not true, where is everybody getting this impression? Taiwan lobbies us to not be considered a runaway part of China, dozens of countries lobby us for foreign aid, the Europeans lobby us for all kinds of things! The list goes on and on.

Put out a pie in the sky outline with less detail than her skincare routine and when “centrist” (AKA EVIL) dems criticize its feasibility she can accuse them of not caring about the environment/being beholden to corporate donors, maintain her fighter cred and get a slew of articles about how revolutionary she is and

I get tired of hearing about this.  They said it back during the sabre-rattling with North Korea.  Like, if it was going to happen and to be used as a distraction, it’d have already happened by now.

You’re joking right? A good website? It was a clickbait gossip rag. One who participated in blackmail and defamation. And, who’s editors then defended those practices while shouting for dialogue... but then refusing to engage when people wanted that dialog. I really doubt anything said on new gawker will even come

The best part is where the defender grabs his face mask, realizes, “Oh, shit, I can’t do that!” and THEN horse-collars him.

Somebody’s gotta go back and get a shitload of dimes! 

So glad to see Harvey Korman get the attention he deserves. Gadot is an interesting choice to portray him but I’m sure with some prosthetics ...

“Shit! It’s Chuck Scarsdale!

Hide, or we’ll be on the news!”

Venture Bros fans seen making long exaggerated “jack off” motions at Rick and Morty’s “delays”

I cut the bit from my interview with Reed where I thanked him for all the Frisky Dingo references this year, because it felt self-indulgent. But we’ll know.